Pure Java implementation of XGBoost predictor for online prediction tasks. This fork has been modified by the Ad Delivery team at Yelp to improve online prediction speeds.
Check out our Yelp Engineering Blog post for more information about how we use this library in (part 1) and what modifications we made to the library to make it cache-friendly and greatly improve its performance and p50 latencies (part 2).
package biz.k11i.xgboost.demo;
import biz.k11i.xgboost.Predictor;
import biz.k11i.xgboost.util.FVec;
public class HowToUseXgboostPredictor {
public static void main(String[] args) throws java.io.IOException {
// If you want to use faster exp() calculation, uncomment the line below
// ObjFunction.useFastMathExp(true);
// Load model and create Predictor
Predictor predictor = new Predictor(
new java.io.FileInputStream("/path/to/xgboost-model-file"));
// Create feature vector from dense representation by array
double[] denseArray = {0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 16, -8, 0, 0, 0};
FVec fVecDense = FVec.Transformer.fromArray(
true /* treat zero element as N/A */);
// Create feature vector from sparse representation by map
FVec fVecSparse = FVec.Transformer.fromMap(
new java.util.HashMap<Integer, Double>() {{
put(2, 32.);
put(5, 16.);
put(6, -8.);
// Predict probability or classification
double[] prediction = predictor.predict(fVecDense);
// prediction[0] has
// - probability ("binary:logistic")
// - class label ("multi:softmax")
// Predict leaf index of each tree
int[] leafIndexes = predictor.predictLeaf(fVecDense);
// leafIndexes[i] has a leaf index of i-th tree
Our improvements to cache efficiency and tree structure have resulted in more than doubling the online performance for our use case compared to the the original project.
Check out the Yelp Engineering Blog post with the latency benchmarks with the Yelp improvements:
- Models
- "gblinear"
- "gbtree"
- Objective functions
- "binary:logistic"
- "binary:logitraw"
- "multi:softmax"
- "multi:softprob"
- "reg:linear"
- Predicts probability or classification
- Outputs margin
Predictor#predict(FVec, true /* output margin */)
- Predicts leaf index
- Predicts probability or classification