This app allows registered users to add jokes and enter information about each joke, then go through 47 randomized exercises that will help them expand on their ideas, and save the product of their work.
- Sign in or Register
- After signing in, choose a joke to work on from the displayed list, or select "Create New Joke"
- On Create New Joke Page, fill out as few or as many sections as desired
- On Joke Exercises page, select either "Get Random Exercise" or "View Alternates" (for previously saved Alternate material)
- To do the exercises, use the large box in the middle like a scratch pad, and then copy and paste material to be saved in the box in the upper right, then select how you would like to save it from the buttons below
- To do exercises with alternate material, just click the "View Alternates" link on the Exercises page, and do exercises as normal
- To save Alternate material as the new version, click the apprpriate button below the save box