Code Editor: shader_set_uniform_matrix() incorrectly expects a "Real" as its argument instead of the correct "id.Uniform" #6201
Improvements or additions to documentation are required by this issue
Bugs with the GameMaker IDE
Trying to pass a shader uniform handle argument to shader_set_uniform_matrix() gives the error "GM1041 - The type 'id.Uniform' appears where the type 'Real' is expected.", despite the documentation for this function saying that it's supposed to be given a shader uniform handle.
I've noticed this bug on both the Febraury and April releases
I'm assuming this is a bug because the code example in the documentation itself also throws the same error. The documentation for this function and for anything with matrices in general is vague and a bit wack so idk.
Steps To Reproduce
1.) Create a shader with a uniform
2.) Use shader_get_uniform() to grab the uniform handle and store it in a variable
3.) Use that variable as the argument for shader_set_uniform_matrix()
I mentioned it in the description, but the code example in the documentation for this function also throws the same error
Which version of GameMaker are you reporting this issue for?
IDE v2024.4.1.152 Runtime v2024.4.1.201
Which operating system(s) are you seeing the problem on?
Windows 10.0.22631.0
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