Magic-SSG is a simple Static Site Generator tool, and it can help you to generate .html from . txt files. Current version is 0.1 .
So far, this tool has the following functions:
- Allows the user to specify an input file or folder to open a .txt file and generate a .html file.
- Automatically identify titles and content.
- Specify a different output directory using --output or -o.
- Allow the input to be a deep tree of files and folders.
- Allow user to check the tool's version.
- Allow the language input and SSG can generate the lang attribute on the root element
- Allow user to supply a JSON formatted configuration file
Make sure you have installed Python version 3.8.5 or above.
Generate a .html file from a file or folder:
python magic_ssg/ -i/--input <file name or folder name>
Specify a different output directory using --output or -o.
python magic_ssg/ --input <input file name or folder name> --output <out put folder>
Check the tool's version
python magic_ssg/ –v/--version
Display how to use the tool
python magic_ssg/ –h
Input the language
python magic_ssg/ -i file_name -l language
Input a JSON config file
python magic_ssg/ -c file_name
python magic_ssg/ -i test.txt -l Fr
python magic_ssg/ -c ssg-config.json
// ssg-config.json
"input": "./test.txt",
"lang": "en-CA"