Show branches: git branch
Pull : git pull ('git up' to pull all branches)
Branch workflow:
Create branch (without <>)
git checkout -b <branchname>
Check which files got changed if you only want to push specific files
git status
Add the files you want to push
git add *
Commit to repository
git commit -m "message"
Commit message example: "Change directory names." - "Add button to activate a bonus." - "Remove ..." - "Fix ..." A short explanation of 'how' is also advised when fixing a bug. DO NOT USE: 'changed', 'added', 'removed', 'fixed', etc...
git push
Npm install
npm run dev (= script to start nodemon)
Directory | Usage |
Bin | generally not needed |
Config | Password Strategy |
Models | Contains schema's for the objects used(mongoose) |
Node_modules | External modules, not needed(npm install should fix these) |
Public | This is where we're going to store JavaScript, CSS, images, and templates we want the client to use. |
Routes | Contains node controllers, contains all backend code |
Views | Views |