A python based Apple instruments protocol,you can get CPU, Memory and other metrics from real iOS devices
link: https://testerhome.com/topics/27159
Java link: https://github.com/YueChen-C/java-ios-device)
pip install py-ios-device
python version: 3.7 +
- Get system Memory and CPU data
- Get application Memory and CPU data
- Get FPS data FPS <= 60
- Get FPS and Jank data FPS <= 120
- Get network data
- Set the device network status. eg: 2G, 3G ,100% Loss
- Set the device behaves as though under a high thermal state
- Monitoring app start、exit、background
- Launch and Kill app
- Run xctest. eg: WebDriverAgent
- Dump core profile stack snapshot
- Analyze the core profile data stream
- Get Metal GPU Counters
- Get App Launch Lifecycle
- pull && push form the device
- Profiles & Device Management. eg: Install and uninstall Fiddler certificate
- Get syslog
- Get crash log
- Get the captured packet traffic and forward it to wireshark
- App install and uninstall
- Get device battery
- Set simulate-location options
pip install pymobiledevice3
sudo python3 -m pymobiledevice3 remote start-tunnel
# Recommended to use go-ios, which has better transmission performance
npm install -g go-ios
sudo ios tunnel start && ios tunnel start --userspace
from ios_device.remote.remote_lockdown import RemoteLockdownClient
from ios_device.servers.Instrument import InstrumentServer
from demo.instrument_demo.sysmontap import sysmontap
# support ios tunnel start --userspace
# [{"address":"fd17:cafe:59d4::1","rsdPort":54934,"udid":"00008101-0018242C3XXXXXXXXX","userspaceTun":true,"userspaceTunPort":60106}]
host = 'fd17:cafe:59d4::1'
port = 54934
with RemoteLockdownClient((host, port), userspace_port=60106) as rsd:
rpc = InstrumentServer(rsd).init()
> pip install py-ios-device
> pyidevice --help
> pyidevice instruments --help
$ pyidevice devices
$ pyidevice deviceinfo --udid=xxxxxx
$ pyidevice instruments monitor
Memory >> {'App Memory': '699.69 MiB', 'Cached Files': '1.48 GiB', 'Compressed': '155.17 MiB', 'Memory Used': '1.42 GiB', 'Wired Memory': '427.91 MiB', 'Swap Used': '46.25 MiB'}
Network >> {'Data Received': '4.07 GiB', 'Data Received/sec': '4.07 GiB', 'Data Sent': '2.54 GiB', 'Data Sent/sec': '2.54 GiB', 'Packets in': 2885929, 'Packets in/sec': 6031576, 'Packets Out': 2885929, 'Packets Out/sec': 2885929}
Disk >> {'Data Read': '117.91 GiB', 'Data Read/sec': 0, 'Data Written': '64.28 GiB', 'Data Written/sec': 0, 'Reads in': 9734132, 'Reads in/sec': 9734132, 'Writes Out': 6810640, 'Writes Out/sec': 6810640}
$ pyidevice instruments monitor --filter = memory
Memory >> {'App Memory': '699.69 MiB', 'Cached Files': '1.48 GiB', 'Compressed': '155.17 MiB', 'Memory Used': '1.42 GiB', 'Wired Memory': '427.91 MiB', 'Swap Used': '46.25 MiB'}
$ pyidevice instruments appmonitor -b cn.rongcloud.im
{'Pid': 30897, 'Name': 'SealTalk', 'CPU': '0 %', 'Memory': '35.72 MiB', 'DiskReads': '24.12 MiB', 'DiskWrites': '2.28 MiB', 'Threads': 13}
{'Pid': 30897, 'Name': 'SealTalk', 'CPU': '3.4 %', 'Memory': '35.72 MiB', 'DiskReads': '24.12 MiB', 'DiskWrites': '2.30 MiB', 'Threads': 13}
$ pyidevice instruments sysmontap --help
$ pyidevice instruments sysmontap -b com.tencent.xin --proc_filter physFootprint,cpuUsage --processes --sort cpuUsage # 只显示 memVirtualSize,cpuUsage 参数的进程列表,且根据 cpuUsage 字段排序
[('WeChat', {'cpuUsage': 0.03663705586691998, 'physFootprint': 2179284992, 'name': 'WeChat', 'pid': 99269})]
[('WeChat', {'cpuUsage': 0.036558268613227536, 'physFootprint': 2179284992, 'name': 'WeChat', 'pid': 99269})]
$ pyidevice instruments fps
{'currentTime': '2021-05-11 14:14:40.259059', 'fps': 52}
{'currentTime': '2021-05-11 14:14:40.259059', 'fps': 56}
$ pyidevice instruments display
{'time': 1.393329, 'fps': 103.999274047912838, 'jank': 0, 'big_jank': 0, 'stutter': 0.0}
$ pyidevice instruments networking
# Get all network data
"connection-update{\"RxPackets\": 2, \"RxBytes\": 148, \"TxPackets\": 2, \"TxBytes\": 263, \"RxDups\": 0, \"RxOOO\": 0, \"TxRetx\": 0, \"MinRTT\": 0.05046875, \"AvgRTT\": 0.05046875, \"ConnectionSerial\": 5}"
"connection-update{\"RxPackets\": 4, \"RxBytes\": 150, \"TxPackets\": 3, \"TxBytes\": 1431, \"RxDups\": 0, \"RxOOO\": 0, \"TxRetx\": 0, \"MinRTT\": 0.0539375, \"AvgRTT\": 0.0541875, \"ConnectionSerial\": 4}"
$ pyidevice instruments network_process -p com.tencent.xin
# Get application network data
{403: {'net.packets.delta': 119, 'time': 1620720061.0643349, 'net.tx.bytes': 366715, 'net.bytes.delta': 63721, 'net.rx.packets.delta': 47, 'net.tx.packets': 633, 'net.rx.bytes': 34532, 'net.bytes': 401247, 'net.tx.bytes.delta': 56978, 'net.rx.bytes.delta': 6743, 'net.rx.packets': 169, 'pid': 403, 'net.tx.packets.delta': 72, 'net.packets': 802}}
{403: {'net.packets.delta': 13, 'time': 1620720076.2191892, 'net.tx.bytes': 1303204, 'net.bytes.delta': 5060, 'net.rx.packets.delta': 5, 'net.tx.packets': 2083, 'net.rx.bytes': 46736, 'net.bytes': 1349940, 'net.tx.bytes.delta': 4682, 'net.rx.bytes.delta': 378, 'net.rx.packets': 379, 'pid': 403, 'net.tx.packets.delta': 8, 'net.packets': 2462}}
$ pyidevice instruments condition get
# Get device configuration information
$ pyidevice instruments condition set -c SlowNetworkCondition -p SlowNetwork2GUrban
# Set the device network status. eg: 2G, 3G ,100% Loss
$ pyidevice instruments condition set -c ThermalCondition -p ThermalCritical
# Set the device behaves as though under a high thermal state
$ pyidevice instruments notifications
[{'execName': 'MobileNotes', 'state_description': 'Foreground Running', 'elevated_state_description': 'Foreground Running', 'displayID': 'com.apple.mobilenotes', 'mach_absolute_time': 27205542653928, 'appName': 'Notes', 'elevated_state': 8, 'timestamp': 1620714619.1264, 'state': 8, 'pid': 99367}]
[{'execName': 'MobileNotes', 'state_description': 'Background Running', 'elevated_state_description': 'Background Running', 'displayID': 'com.apple.mobilenotes', 'mach_absolute_time': 27205678872050, 'appName': 'Notes', 'elevated_state': 4, 'timestamp': 1620714624.802145, 'state': 4, 'pid': 99367}]
[{'execName': 'MobileNotes', 'state_description': 'Background Task Suspended', 'elevated_state_description': 'Background Task Suspended', 'displayID': 'com.apple.mobilenotes', 'mach_absolute_time': 27205683486410, 'appName': 'Notes', 'elevated_state': 2, 'timestamp': 1620714624.99441, 'state': 2, 'pid': 99367}]
$ pyidevice instruments stackshot --out stackshot.log
$ pyidevice instruments instruments core_profile --pid=1107
SealTalk(1107) PERF_THD_CSwitch (0x25010014) DBG_PERF PERF_DATA DBG_FUNC_NONE
SealTalk(1107) DecrSet (0x1090004) DBG_MACH DBG_MACH_EXCP_DECI DBG_FUNC_NONE
$ pyidevice instruments gpu_counters
15.132907 ALU Limiter 93.77
15.132907 Texture Sample Limiter 39.62
15.132907 Texture Write Limiter 13.87
15.132907 Buffer Read Limiter 0.01
15.132907 Buffer Write Limiter 0
15.132907 Threadgroup/Imageblock Load Limiter 17.16
15.132907 Threadgroup/Imageblock Store Limiter 10.9
15.132907 Fragment Input Interpolation Limiter 15.74
15.132907 GPU Last Level Cache Limiter 6.24
15.132907 Vertex Occupancy 0
15.132907 Fragment Occupancy 91.44
15.132907 Compute Occupancy 0
15.132907 GPU Read Bandwidth 2.65
15.132907 GPU Write Bandwidth 1.25
$ pyidevice instruments app_lifecycle -b cn.rongcloud.im
31.20 ms Initializing-System Interface Initialization (Dyld init)
14.33 ms Initializing-Static Runtime Initialization
35.68 ms Launching-UIKit Initialization
810.46 us Launching-UIKit Scene Creation
100.64 ms Launching-didFinishLaunchingWithOptions()
2.91 ms Launching-UIKit Scene Creation
21.85 ms Launching-Initial Frame Rendering
App Thread Process ID:6506076, Total Time:207.41 ms
$ pyidevice profiles list
"OrderedIdentifiers": [
"ProfileManifest": {
"aaaff7e2b7df39eeb77bfbc0cd7a70ea99f3fd97a": {
"Description": "DO_NOT_TRUST_FiddlerRoot",
"IsActive": true
"ProfileMetadata": {
"aaaff7e2b7df39eeb77bfbc0cd7a70ea99f3fd97a": {
"PayloadDisplayName": "DO_NOT_TRUST_FiddlerRoot",
"PayloadRemovalDisallowed": false,
"PayloadUUID": "C8CE7BC1-F840-4616-B606-337F8CB6AE19",
"PayloadVersion": 1
"Status": "Acknowledged"
$ pyidevice profiles install --path Downloads/charles-certificate.pem
## install charles certificate
$ pyidevice profiles remove --name fe7371d9ce36c541ac8dee5f51f3b490b2aa98dcd95699ee44717fd5233fe7a0a
## uninstall charles certificate
$ pyidevice syslog
# --path
# --filter
$ pyidevice crash list
['.', '..', 'com.apple.appstored', 'JetsamEvent-2021-05-12-112126.ips']
$ pyidevice crash export --name JetsamEvent-2021-05-12-112126.ips
$ pyidevice crash delete --name JetsamEvent-2021-05-12-112126.ips
$ pyidevice crash shell
$ pyidevice apps list
$ pyidevice apps install --ipa_path
$ pyidevice apps uninstall --bundle_id
$ pyidevice apps launch --bundle_id
$ pyidevice apps kill --bundle_id
$ pyidevice apps shell
$ pyidevice pcapd ./test/test.pacp
$ pyidevice pcapd - | "/Applications/Wireshark.app/Contents/MacOS/Wireshark" -k -i -
# mac forword Wireshark
$ pyidevice pcapd - | "D:\Program Files\Wireshark\Wireshark.exe" -k -i -
# win forword Wireshark
$ pyidevice battery
# [Battery] time=1622777708, current=-71, voltage=4330, power=-307.43, temperature=3279
$ pyidevice enable_developer_mode
from ios_device.cli.base import InstrumentsBase
from ios_device.util.dtx_msg import DTXMessage
with InstrumentsBase() as rpc:
def sysmontap_callback(res: DTXMessage):
print(res.selector, res.auxiliaries)
rpc.process_attributes = ['name', 'pid']
rpc.system_attributes = rpc.device_info.sysmonSystemAttributes()
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