This repository contains a set of Kubernetes YAML manifests generated using specific prompts. Below is a table with the prompt used to generate each manifest, a short description, and a link to the resulting manifest file.
app.yaml | Pod named 'app' with image '' exposing port 8000 |
Creates a Pod named 'app' using the image '' and exposing port 8000. | app.yaml |
app-livenessProbe.yaml | Pod named 'app' with liveness probe on '/healthz' at port 8080 |
Defines a Pod with a liveness probe checking the '/healthz' endpoint on port 8080 to ensure the application is running. | app-livenessProbe.yaml |
app-readinessProbe.yaml | Pod named 'app' with readiness probe on '/ready' at port 8080 |
Sets up a Pod with a readiness probe that monitors the '/ready' endpoint on port 8080 to determine if the application is ready to accept traffic. | app-readinessProbe.yaml |
app-volumeMounts.yaml | Pod named 'app' with volume mount '/data' using PVC 'app-pvc' |
Configures a Pod to mount a persistent volume at '/data' using a PersistentVolumeClaim named 'app-pvc'. | app-volumeMounts.yaml |
app-cronjob.yaml | CronJob 'app-backup' running daily using 'busybox' |
Schedules a CronJob named 'app-backup' that runs daily using the 'busybox' image to perform backup tasks. | app-cronjob.yaml |
app-job.yaml | Job 'app-job' using 'busybox' to echo 'Hello, World!' |
Executes a one-time Job named 'app-job' using the 'busybox' image to print 'Hello, World!' and then exit. | app-job.yaml |
app-multicontainer.yaml | Pod named 'app' with 'nginx' and 'redis' containers exposing ports 80 and 6379 |
Deploys a Pod with two containers: 'nginx' exposing port 80 and 'redis' exposing port 6379, running within the same Pod. | app-multicontainer.yaml |
app-resources.yaml | Pod named 'app' with CPU 100m/500m and memory 200Mi/1Gi limits |
Defines a Pod with resource requests and limits, requesting 100m CPU and 200Mi memory, and limiting to 500m CPU and 1Gi memory. | app-resources.yaml |
app-secret-env.yaml | Pod named 'app' using secret 'app-secrets' for env vars DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD |
Creates a Pod that uses environment variables sourced from a Kubernetes Secret named 'app-secrets', including DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD . |
app-secret-env.yaml |