Patches a bug in pre 8.0 browserify where watchify breaks bundle when modules are mistakenly deduped with full paths.
See browserify issue #940
In the thread, saschagehlich appears to be experiencing the same issue as the YuzuJS team, where when watchify is used modules are mistakenly deduped due to fullPaths.
This patch implements the suggestion of saschagehlich to simply not dedupe the files by not adding to the bundle.
substack claims that this is fixed in the 8.0 branch, however YuzuJS currently using 6.x. So when we are ready to upgrade we will check to see if this bug is indeed fixed in browser >= 8.
Howefully this repo will not have a long life :)
This patch was only verified with browserify 6.1.
This patch may work for 7.x as well, so instead of listing a peerDependency on 6.x, feel free to use at your own risk!