This is an example site to test Cassandra, with NodeJS and Angular 2 Typescript, styled with Angular 2 Material, all prepared into Docker Compose.
To be able to test it, you need Docker with Docker Compose and Git. To install the packages, you need Node.js with npm
git clone
cd CV-Test-Site/Site
If you have Yarn:
if you don't:
npm install
cd ..
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Wait for a few seconds (around 30) for the database to initialize before opening your browser on or on the IP of your Docker machine in you're using Docker Toolbox
Database is based on a Cassandra cluster of 2 nodes. First node to launch is a custom cassandra dockerfile to insert base data inside the application for simple testing.
You can edit data inserted with the file CassandraDB/base_data.cql and build the project again.
The server is a simple API for the database and don't have real logic beside authentication.
The site is an Angular 2 project made with Webpack 2 and Angular 2 Material. The files are made accessible using a Nginx instance.
Package management was made using Yarn.
If you have a slow computer, the input of data may be tried too soon during the launch of Cassandra. In this case you can enter this instruction after the docker-compose up
docker exec cassandra-db cqlsh -f /base_data.cql