1.2.2 Changes 🛠:
- Chests with bottle content refills no longer have the chest glow animation on opening the chest (like obtaining a boss key).
- Can now retrieve powder keg if you do Medigoron mission first before finding the keg.
- Arrow swaps still happen in third person view, we now ensure user is in first person before being allowed to swap arrows
- Change Keaton to use unused 10 rupee as an override instead of green rupee
- Add ItemUpgrade_Shield to both shields to ensure we don't go backwards in shield progression.
- Chateau Romani's ext check has been fixed
- Deku Trade Scrubs Animation behaviours have been fixed
- Banker no longer gives repeat rewards if you withdraw and deposit rupees.
- Swamp Tourist Center Roof, and Swamp Deku Trade and Purchase now override after Woodfall Temple is cleared
- Removed Tingle Maps from being added to pool when shuffling Dungeon MapsAndCompasses
- All Night Mask currently now checks for two wallet upgrades
- Change Keaton checks to 0x03
- Change Banker reward 2 to 0x03
- Starting with different size wallets now removes the appropriate amount from the pool
When reporting issues, please mention the six character commit listed in the randomizer menu.
You can use the FBI homebrew application to install the randomizer using either of these QR codes.
CIA QR Code:
3DSX QR Code: