Welcome to the AI and Math for Beginners course! This 5-week program is designed to introduce you to the fundamental mathematical concepts required for AI and machine learning.
- Week 1: Basic Math Functions in Python
- Week 2: Linear Algebra Basics
- Week 3: Statistics and Probability
- Week 4: Linear Regression
- Week 5: Introduction to Neural Networks
- Basic Python programming knowledge
- Familiarity with high school level mathematics
- Fork this repository to your own Github account.
- Clone your forked repository to your local machine.
- Install the required packages: pip install -r requirements.txt
- Setup the repo
- For each week's assignment, create a new branch from the main branch.
- Implement your solutions in the appropriate Python script for the week.
- Write unit tests for your implementations in the corresponding test file.
- Commit and push your changes to your forked repository.
- Create a merge request to the main course repository.
- Wait for the automated tests to run and review the feedback.
- Make necessary improvements based on the feedback and update the merge request.
- Read the
file in the respective week's folder. - Implement your solutions in the corresponding Python file (e.g.,
for Week 1). - Run the tests using pytest to check your implementation: pytest tests/test_weekX.py
- Once all tests pass, commit your changes and push to your forked repository.
- Create a merge request to the main course repository.
Your submissions will be graded based on:
- Correctness of implementation (passing all tests)
- Code quality and adherence to PEP 8 style guidelines
- Proper use of comments and docstrings
- All code should be written in Python 3.9 or later.
- Follow PEP 8 style guidelines for your code.
- Include docstrings for all functions and classes.
- Ensure your code passes all tests before submitting.
ai-math-beginners/ │ ├── README.md ├── .gitlab-ci.yml ├── requirements.txt │ ├── week1/ │ ├── basic_math.py │ ├── problem_statement.md │ └── solution.py │ ├── week2/ │ ├── linear_algebra.py │ ├── problem_statement.md │ └── solution.py │ ├── week3/ │ ├── statistics_probability.py │ ├── problem_statement.md │ └── solution.py │ ├── week4/ │ ├── linear_regression.py │ ├── problem_statement.md │ └── solution.py │ ├── week5/ │ ├── neural_networks.py │ ├── problem_statement.md │ └── solution.py │ └── tests/ ├── test_week1.py ├── test_week2.py ├── test_week3.py ├── test_week4.py └── test_week5.py
Good luck and happy coding!