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v0.0.3 Pre release with windows support

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@sujithatzackriya sujithatzackriya released this 03 Mar 15:56

Pre Release 0.0.3: Added Windows Support

A new release is available!

What's New

  • Windows Support: Fixed audio capture issues on Windows
  • Improved Error Handling: Better error handling and logging for audio devices
  • Enhanced Device Detection: More robust audio device detection across platforms
  • Windows Installers: Added both .exe and .msi installers for Windows
  • Transcription quality is improved
  • Bug fixes and improvements for frontend
  • Better backend app build process
  • Improved documentation

What would be next?

  • Database connection to save meeting minutes
  • Improve summarization quality for smaller LLM models
  • Add download options for meeting transcriptions
  • Add download option for summary

Known issues

  • Smaller LLMs can hallucinate, making summarization quality poor; Please use model above 32B parameter size
  • Backend build process requires CMake, C++ compiler, etc. Making it harder to build
  • Backend build process requires Python 3.10 or newer
  • Frontend build process requires Node.js

How to Get Started


Windows Installation

Once the installers are downloaded from the above links [## Files for test](## Files for test), double-click the executable file to run it.

Windows will ask if you want to run untrusted apps, click More info and choose run anyway

Windows protected your PC
Microsoft Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk.
[More info](about:blank#)

To bypass this warning in windows OS,

After downloading the installer

  • Right click on installer(.exe)
  • Select properties option.
  • Click on checkbox to check Unblock at the bottom of Properties.


** Installation**

Option 1: Using the Setup Executable (.exe) (Recommended)

  1. Download the zip file and extract it to see meeting-minutes-frontend_0.1.0_x64-setup.exe file
  2. Double-click the installer to run it
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation
  4. The application will be available on your desktop

Option 2: Using the MSI Installer (.msi)

  1. Download the .zip file and extract it to see meeting-minutes-frontend_0.1.0_x64_en-US.msi file
  2. Double-click the MSI file to run it
  3. Follow the installation wizard to complete the setup
  4. The application will be installed and available on your desktop
macOS Installation
  1. Download the zip file and extract to get meeting-minutes-frontend_0.1.0_aarch64.dmg file
  2. Extract the file
  3. Double-click meeting-minutes-frontend_0.1.0_aarch64.dmg file inside the extracted folder
  4. Drag the to Applications folder
  5. Execute the following command in terminal to remove the quarantine attribute:
xattr -c /Applications/


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Go to the backend directory:

For Mac OS only

cd meeting-minutes/backend
chmod +x
  1. Make sure you have installed all the prerequisites before proceeding:

    • ffmpeg
    • cmake
    • C++ compiler
    • Python versions between 3.10 and 3.12

    Windows-specific prerequisites:

    • Install Visual Studio Build Tools with C++ development workload
    • Install ffmpeg using Chocolatey: choco install ffmpeg
    • Ensure Python 3.10+ is in your PATH
  2. Add environment file:

# On macOS:
echo -e "ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=your_api_key\nGROQ_API_KEY=your_api_key" | tee .env

# On Windows (PowerShell):
"ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=your_api_key`nGROQ_API_KEY=your_api_key" | Out-File -FilePath .env -Encoding utf8
  1. Add API Keys in .env files if you are planning to use Anthropic or Groq.

  2. Configure environment variables for Groq:

# On macOS/Linux:
export GROQ_API_KEY=your_groq_api_key

# On Windows (PowerShell):

# On Windows (Command Prompt):
set GROQ_API_KEY=your_groq_api_key
  1. Build dependencies:

    • On macOS: ./
    • On Windows: .\build_whisper.bat (or run the commands from the script manually)
  2. Run the server:

    • On macOS: ./
    • On Windows: .\start_with_output.ps1

What's Changed

  • Windows audio capture support
  • Cross-platform audio device detection improvements
  • Enhanced error handling and logging
  • Windows installer packages (.exe and .msi)
  • Various bug fixes and stability improvements

Introducing subscription

We are planning to add a subscription option so that you don't have to run the backend on your own server. This will help you scale better and run the service 24/7. This is based on a few requests we received. If you are interested, please fill out the form here.

Full Changelog: v0.0.2...v0.0.3

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.0.2...v0.0.3