Core Framework of the NightOps mod to provide an out-of-the-box custom coop setup. Can be used by any mission or map created by anyone as a good preset for coop missions.
- CoopSetup prefab with coop gamemode and all needes managers
- Powerful triggersystem to unlock tasks, teleport players, finish the mission, change daytime in runtime, create dynamic spawns (when NightOps DynamicSpawn Framework is installed) and more
- Time and Weather custom settings
- Several components to adjust missions, (e.g. to deactivate a vehicle etc)
- Mechanic to create a mobile command vehicle with vehicle respawn
- and many more features implemented or to come soon
- sourcode public for tutorial purpose
- NightOps EVERON - 1985 (Coop Showcase Campaign)
- SpawnTrigger is work in progress
- lacking of more features which comes soon
- Sample Coop Addon
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