Geospatial based photo shared social network backend with Golang
Frontend is implementated with ReactJS, please see here.
- Develop Web services with Golang to handle user auth(register, login, logout), post and search
- Implement token based authentication with PostgreSQL, JWT, OAuth 2.0
- Implement posts storage, geo-location based search for nearby posts, data visualization with ElasticSearch and Kibana in GKE(Google Kubernetes Engine)
- Store post image with Google Cloud Storage(GCS)
- Improve read performance with a little data consistency sacrifice with Redis
- Deploy with Docker, GKE(Google Kubernetes Engine) and GOOGLE CLOUD LOAD BALANCING
- save to PostgreSQL.
- check login credential in PostgreSQL, if correct return token
/search - search nearby posts
- have token-based authentication first
- search in Redis cache, if not found then search ElasticSearch
- use
"type" : "geo_point"
to map (lat, lon) to geo_point, ElasticSearch will use geo-indexing to search(KD tree)
/search?lat=10.0&lon=20.0 /search?lat=10.0&lon=20.0&range=10
- save post image in GCS.
- save post info in ElasticSearch, bigTable(optional).
post body
{ "message": "<3", "location": { "lat": 47.651977307189256, "lon": -122.3316657342046 }, "url": [ "" ] }
- CRUD for user's own posts
- Follow and Like