<img src=“https://travis-ci.org/Bjond/bjond-redox-app.svg?branch=master” alt=“Build Status” />
This will serve as the Bjond integration app with the Redox API.
For user level documentation on setting up and firing Redox events, see this documentation page: github.com/Bjond/bjond-health/wiki/Firing-Redox-Events.
Adapter test deployment location: stormy-coast-11743.herokuapp.com/
Use RVM (rvm.io/) to deal with gemsets / ruby versions. (We’ve had issues with RBEnv; Use at your own risk). If you need to install rvm, use this command:
\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --rails
Create an RVM gemset. This project currently uses ruby 2.2.2, so the command would be. (ruby version listed in .ruby-version and gemset name listed in .ruby-gemset) -
rvm ruby-2.2.2 do rvm gemset create redox-gems
Install necessary dependencies -
bundle install
Create and migrate the database using rake
rake db:create rake db:migrate
Install the client side dependencies using bower -
bower install
Run the rails app -
bin/rails server -p 3001
Adding/Editing Fields -
You can add new fields in the bjond_api_initializer.rb file. When you edit this field, you have to update your registration for the changes to show up in the BjondHealth application. After you have saved your changes to bjond_api_initializer, restart your ruby server. On your main localhost:3001 page, there is a listing of Bjond Registrations. Click the “Show” link in the relevant registration. With your localhost:8080 running, hit the “Update Registration” button. You should see a success confirmation message. Log out and log back in to BjondHealth, and the fields should be update.
Tests are run using guard, rspec, and capybara.
Running tests once:
Tests can also be run continuously (recommended). To enable this in a terminal, run:
Tests are housed in the spec/ folder. The spec folder has a directory structure that mimics the app folder. Name tests as <rubyFile>_spec.rb. So, if you have a service calld foo.rb, your test will be foo_spec.rb.
For more information on Ruby Bjond adapters in general, see this document: github.com/Bjond/bjond-health/wiki/Ruby-Adapters