This project demonstrates an issue with UIModalPresentationFormSheet
that only appears to occur with iPad mini's.
The app delegate listens for UIKeyboard{Will,Did}{Hide,Show}Notification
and UIKeyboard{Will,Did}ChangeFrameNotification
The rootViewController presents a Form Sheet:
UIViewController *loginController = ...
loginController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFormSheet;
[self presentViewController:loginController animated:YES completion:^{ }];
The Form Sheet has a textfield, and on touching, on touching, it presents the keyboard
Open app in iPad 2 (Model 10A403), and iPad mini (Model MD528X)
When opening in an iPad 2, the form sheet moves up to touch the status bar. On the iPad mini, the keyboard stays stationary.
and UIKeyboard{Will,Did}ChangeFrameNotification
fire for iPad2
But only UIKeyboard{Will,Did}ChangeFrameNotification
fire for iPad Mini