Digital Metadata Receive, Record, and Report
This horrifying bit of code reads the dmesgtail from a tytera md-3[89]0 radio using and prints out entertaining stats about who speaks and for how long. The plan is to improve the feature set and stat collection, as well as improve the UI and add a web ui. At some point we plan to switch to collecting information with sdr, however, at the start of this project dsd didn't decode who the call was from or to, and dmrdecode didn't show call start/end so it was impossible to collect the desired stats.
[x] DMR
[ ] P25
[x] Tytera MD380
[x] Tytera MD390
[x] MMDVMHost
[ ] rtlsdr
[ ] hackrf
[ ] bladerf
[ ] etc
Call Indicator:
[x] RX
[ ] TX
[ ] Slot
[x] Interrupt detection
[x] call duration
[x] current speaker
[x] if a call is interrupted
[x] timestamp of last transmission from each radio
[ ] long term speaker stats (across multiple xmit sessions)
[ ] time slot decode
[ ] color code decode
Code Quality
[ ] Great
[ ] Good
[ ] Minimally Acceptable
[ ] Pretty Bad
[x] Literal Garbage
[ ] Unusable
[ ] Unexecutable