##Porting version of CrazyFlie Firmware support both Keil and GCC compile environment [email protected] Note: 1 Check your keil target setting before use it! 2 Reduce heap size FreeRTOS used from 15K to 12K 3 Version number not porting 4 Specify scat_cload.txt as the linker scatter file if use CLoader
This project contains the source code for the Crazyflie firmware. More information can be found on the Bitcraze wiki
Folder description:
./ | Root, contains the Makefile
+ init | Contains the main.c
+ config | Configuration files
+ drivers | Hardware driver layer
| + src | Drivers source code
| + interface | Drivers header files. Interface to the HAL layer
+ hal | Hardware abstaction layer
| + src | HAL source code
| + interface | HAL header files. Interface with the other parts of the program
+ modules | Firmware operating code and headers
| + src | Firmware tasks source code and main.c
| + interface | Operating headers. Configure the firmware environement
+ utils | Utils code. Implement utility block like the console.
| + src | Utils source code
| + interface | Utils header files. Interface with the other parts of the program
+ scripts | Misc. scripts for LD, OpenOCD, make, version control, ...
| | *** The two following folders contains the unmodified files ***
+ lib | Libraries
| + FreeRTOS | Source FreeRTOS folder. Cleaned up from the useless files
| + STM32F... | Library folder of the St STM32 peripheral lib
| + CMSIS | Core abstraction layer
Make targets:
all : Shortcut for build
compile : Compile cflie.hex. WARNING: Do NOT update version.c
build : Update version.c and compile cflie.elf/hex
clean_o : Clean only the Objects files, keep the executables (ie .elf, .hex)
clean : Clean every compiled files
mrproper : Clean every compiled files and the classical editors backup files
cload : If the crazyflie-pc-client is placed on the same directory level and the Crazyradio is inserted
it will try to flash the firmware using the wireless bootloader.
flash : Flash cflie.elf using OpenOCD
halt : Halt the target using OpenOCD
reset : Reset the target using OpenOCD
openocd : Launch OpenOCD