Definitive PDF/A Validation
The veraPDF PDF/A Validation Library is dual-licensed, see:
In order to run the applications or use the GUI you'll need:
- Java 7, which can be downloaded from Oracle, or for Linux users OpenJDK.
If you want to build the code from source you'll also require:
- Download the veraPDF-library repository, either:
git clone
or download the latest tar archive or zip equivalent from GitHub.
- Move to the downloaded project directory, e.g.
cd veraPDF-library
- Build and install using Maven:
mvn clean install -P clone-test-resources
- Move to the build directory for the command line interface application, e.g.:
cd {project directory}/cli/target
- Run the compiled command line application:
java -jar vera-cli-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar verapdf --validate --input "{path to input pdf file}" --profile "{path to validation profile}" --output "{path to saved report}"
The latest release of the GUI zip package is available from our release download area, using this link. The latest development build can be downloaded from our development download directory via this link.
If you've built the project from source then the GUI application is available in the VeraPDF Library GUI gui
sub-module. The example commands are linux based:
- Move to the build directory for the command line interface application, e.g.:
cd {project directory}/gui/target
- Locate the built zip package, e.g.:
ls veraPDF-library-GUI-*.zip
Again the example commands assume the user is linux based and use a specific 0.4.9 version number, you will quite possibly download another version.
- Unzip the archive to a location that can be used for installation, e.g.
unzip -d /home/username
- The scripts to run the GUI application are located under
- Mac or Linux users can run:
VeraPDF validation GUI
- Windows users should run:
VeraPDF validation GUI.bat
- In order to perform validation you'll need to load a validation profile. Currently the GUI package comes with a copy of our PDF/A-1b validation profile. This is located under the install/unzip directory:
The zip package contains the latest versions, at the time of packaging, of the following resources:
- the staging branch of the veraPDF-corpus project;
- the integration branch of the veraPDF-validation-profiles project; and
- the integration branch of the veraPDF-model project.