Xueping Peng, Guodong Long, Tao Shen, Sen Wang,Jing Jiang, and Chengqi Zhang. 2020. Bitenet: Bidi-rectional temporal encoder network to predict medical outcomes.
Python2.7, Python3, Theano, Sklearn
For the BiteNet model, it uses dataset.data_prepararion.py for MIMIC III dataset. We have already the data preprocessing for this and stored the output as a json file under BiteNet/dataset/processed, so no need to run it again.
For the RETAIN model, it use process_mimic.py to preprocess the data. We have put every dataset we need to perform the data preprocessing (i.e. ADMISSION.csv, DIAGNOSES_ICD.csv and PATIENTS.csv).
STEP 1: Install Packages
The experiment requires both python2 (for RETAIN code) and python3 (for BiteNet code)
Install Theano and sklearn for python2. Input command
pip2 install theano
pip2 install sklearn
STEP 2: Test BiteNet
Change the path to current folder.
Use BiteNet.train.BiteNet_mh_DX.py for future diagnosis prediction. Input command
python BiteNet_mh_DX.py --data_source mimic3 --model Bite --verbose True --task BiteNet --predict_type dx --visit_threshold 2 --max_epoch 5 --train_batch_size 32 --gpu 0 --valid_visits 10 --num_hidden_layers 1 --pos_encoding encoding --min_cut_freq 5 --embedding_size 130 --dropout 0.1 --only_dx_flag False
Use BiteNet.train.BiteNet_mh_RE.py for future re-admission prediction. Input command
python BiteNet_mh_RE.py --data_source mimic3 --model Bite --verbose True --task BiteNet --predict_type re --visit_threshold 2 --max_epoch 5 --train_batch_size 32 --gpu 0 --valid_visits 10 --num_hidden_layers 1 --pos_encoding encoding --min_cut_freq 5 --embedding_size 130 --dropout 0.1 --only_dx_flag False
The corresponding evaluation results will show in stdout.
Change the path to folder Baseline/RETAIN. Input command
cd Baseline/RETAIN
Use process_mimic.py to preprocess the data. Input command
python2 process_mimic.py ADMISSIONS.csv DIAGNOSES_ICD.csv PATIENTS.csv output
Use retain.py to train the model. Input command
python2 retain.py output.3digitICD9.seqs 942 output.readmission output --simple_load --n_epochs 5 --keep_prob_context 0.8 --keep_prob_emb 0.5
The corresponding evaluation results will show in stdout.
- For diagnosis prediction, we have:
Diagnosis at k | |||||
k=5 | k=10 | k=15 | k=20 | k=25 | k=30 |
0.648 | 0.6024 | 0.6463 | 0.7076 | 0.7595 | 0.8073 |
- For readmission prediction, we have:
accuracy | precision | sensitivity | specificity | f_score | pr_auc | roc_auc |
0.7931 | 0.3929 | 0.1538 | 0.9439 | 0.2211 | 0.3295 | 0.5814 |
- For the RETAIN model, The best validation & test AUC:0.360153, 0.367125
Below are the parameters that the origin BiteNet paper claimed to use.
--data_source mimic3
--model Bite
--verbose True
--task BiteNet
--predict_type dx
--visit_threshold 2
--max_epoch 5
--train_batch_size 32
--gpu 2
--valid_visits 10
--num_hidden_layers 1
--pos_encoding encoding
--min_cut_freq 5
--embedding_size 128
--dropout 0.1
--only_dx_flag False