These are a few cogs I made for myself that may be useful to others. Mostly utility-based. These are for Red V3, an open source self-hosted Discord bot. If this is your first time with Red, take a look at the docs.
Support: Red - Cog Support in #support_vex-cogs
is your prefix.
Add the repo: [p]repo add vex-cogs
Then you can install cogs: [p]cog install vex-cogs cogname
There's a list of cogs below, or you can use [p]cog list vex-cogs
if you've added the repo.
Cog name | Description |
aliases | Get all the information you could ever need about a command's aliases. |
anotherpingcog | Another ping cog... But this one has fancy colours in a customisable embed! |
autoping | Automatically ping a user/role when a message is sent in a specified channel. |
beautify | Beautify and minify JSON. |
betteruptime | See your bot's uptime percentages and check when downtime happened. |
birthday | Birthday cog with customisable messages and roles. |
buttonpoll | Create polls with buttons! |
calc | A simple button-based calculator. |
caseinsensitive | Make all prefixes and commands case insensitive. |
cmdlog | Track command usage, searchable by user, server or command name. |
covidgraph | Get graphs of COVID-19 data. |
fivemstatus | View the live status of a FiveM server, in a updating Discord message. |
ghissues | Create, comment, labelify and close GitHub issues, with some PR support. |
googletrends | Find out what the world is searching, right from Discord. |
madtranslate | Translate text through lots of languages. Get some funny results! |
roleplay | Create an anonymous role play in your server. |
stattrack | Track metrics about your bot and view them in Discord. |
status | Recieve automatic status updates from various services, including Discord. |
system | Get system metrics of the host device, such as RAM or CPU. |
timechannel | Get the time in different timezones in voice channels. |
uptimeresponder | Cog for responding to uptime monitoring service pings. |
wol | Use Wake on LAN from Discord! This cog sends magic packets on the local network. |
All these cogs have docs! My docs are here or click on the cog name to go directly to that cog's docs page.
My cogs are licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0. Please see the LICENSE file.
I can be found in the main Red server or if you want support for a cog the Cog Support server in #support_vex-cogs is the best place. I'm @vexingvexed.
PRs are welcome! This repo is formatted with Black, line length 99. There are also some other checks on PRs - see the file.
The Red server for being such a welcoming community.
MAX for taking a leap of faith in my first public cog, status, and eagerly updating to find it broken a few times
And finally, most importantly, the Cog Creators who made the wonderful Red framework.