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ZulfBungee - a proxy Skript addon!

Currently focused on supporting the latest version of Minecraft and Skript. If you are using 1.12.2 or below and using Skript 2.6.4, use this version. I am slowly updating the plugin to use Skript 2.10 and modern versions of Minecraft, look at the artifacts with each commit and test them to see if any changes work!

Supports Bungeecord and Velocity!

Small portions of this plugin were referenced from another addon to aid development (Skungee by LimeGlass), and code referenced will be credited accordingly.

gradlew shadowJar should build the plugin and create a usable JAR. Please let me know if you encounter any issues!

I will be adding unit testing soon to catch issues before any major releases.

Please keep in mind that this plugin is currently in Alpha testing, so serious bugs may occur!

Supported Syntax:


Commands / Permissions

  • zulfen.bungee.admin.script.load /zulfbungee scripts load

  • zulfen.bungee.admin.script.unload /zulfbungee scripts unload

  • zulfen.bungee.admin.script.reload /zulfbungee scripts reload

  • zulfen.bungee.admin.script.list /zulfbungee scripts list

  • zulfen.bungee.admin.update.check /zulfbungee update check

  • zulfen.bungee.admin.debug /zulfbungee debug

  • zulfen.bungee.admin.servers /zulfbungee servers