Distro | Arch Linux |
Bar | Polybar |
Menu | Rofi |
Compositor | Picom |
Terminal | Alacritty |
Widget | Conky |
Notifications | Dunst |
Icons | Papirus |
Fonts | Iosevka Nerd |
GTK Theme | Adapta Nokto |
- File Manager: Nemo
- Spotify Theme: Spicetify Ziro
- Audio Visualizer: Cava
- Hardware Info: Fastfetch
- Process Viewer: vtop
- Minecraft Launcher: Prism Launcher
✏️ Transparent powermenu background
Line 51
background-color: #FFFFFF00;
✏️ Only prismlauncher-qt5 / prismlauncher-qt5-git supports QT themes
✏️ Customized version of bluetooth module. Credits to fully functional BT module