This web application consumes the API.
- View random clues
- Change question via a button click
- View a list of several categories
- View questions from a single user-selected category
- Show/hide answer via a button click
- Counter for tracking the number of questions correctly/incorrectly answered
- Navigate to the working directory in your terminal
- Ensure you have node.js and nodemon installed on your system
- Run the command: 'nodemon app.js'
- Navigate to 'localhost:3000' in your web browser to access the app
- Click on "New Question" for a new question to be fetched, and displayed on the screen.
- Click "Show Answer" when ready to reveal the answer. After the "New Question" button is clicked, the answer is hidden again.
- Use the counter to keep track of how many questions you answered correctly or incorrectly.
Languages: HTML/CSS, Javascript
Technologies: React.js, jQuery, Bootstrap
Link to working example: