This Repository is aimed at collecting information and resources for preparation of technical interviews.
- String
- Array
- Linked List
- Stacks and Queues
- Trees
- Traversal - Inorder, Preorder, PostOrder
- Binary search trees
- Balanced Seach Tree
- AVL tree
- Red-Black tree
- B-Tree
- Hash Table
- Heaps
- Trie
- Graphs
- Cycle Detection (Directed and Undirected Graphs)
- Topological Sorting
- Minimum Spanning Trees
- Single Source Shortest Paths
- All Source Shortest Paths
- Maximum Flow
- Skip Lists
- Arbit
- Overview
- Analysis of Algorithms
- Searching and Sorting
- Divide and Conquer
- Dynamic Programming
- Greedy Algorithms
- Backtracking
- Shuffling
- Bit Manipulation
- Mathematical Algorithms
- Approximation
- Recursion
- Edge Cases
- Classes & Interfaces
- Garbage Collection
- Exceptions
- Serialization
- Generics
- Collections
- Threads and Concurrency
- Basic Questions and Answers
- Inside JVM
- Java APIs
- Networking
- J2EE - Servlets
- Services (Stateless and stateful)
- Geeks4Geeks Java question
- Design Patterns
- Concepts
- Object Oriented Designs
- High Level and Low Level Designs
- Approaching System Design Questions
- System Design Concepts
- Process
- Threads
- Interprocess Communication
- Deadlock
- No SQL Databases
- SQL and NoSQL comparision
- Database basics
- What is Database indexing
- Big Endian & Little Endian
- Bit Operations
- Caching
- Redis n MemCache
- Storage
- Distributed Systems
- Security
- What happens when
- Awesome Interview Questions
- Real-life application architectures
- Technologies
- Latency
- BigData