An advance and powerful Administration bot based on yagop/telegram-bot licensed under GNU General public License
- A powerful Anti spam with custom sensitivity For each group
- Multiple Realms(admin groups)
- recalcitrant to any kind of spamming(Xy bots,name|photo changers and ...)
- Global ban
- Broadcast to all groups
- Group link
- Kick,ban and unban by reply
- Groups,ban and global bans list
- Logging anything that happens in group !
- Invite by username
- Group administration in bots private
- Only mods,owner and admin can add bots
- Arabic lock
- And ...
Table of Contents
- TeleSeed
- Features
- Commands
- Admins commands
- Group setting in realm
- Global ban commands
- owners and mods commands
- Hammer
- group name|member|arabic|flood|bots lock
- group name|member|arabic|flood|bots unlock
- Group modlist|rules|about|member clean
- Set groups rules|about
- Setting or changing group owner
- Setting or changing group photo
- Changing group name
- Group link
- Promote and demote mods
- Resolve username
- Flood sensitivity
- Group rules and about
- Group settings
- modlist
- Help
- Owner
- Save and get
- Id
- Group stats
- Member list
- Group help
- In private commands
- Installation - One command - Realm configuration
- Support and development
- Special thanks to:
- Our team!
Only admins and sudo users can run these commands
[!/]creategroup [group name]
[!/]creategroup SEED
will create a group
Only works in realms for admins but, sudo users can use it everywhere
[!/]createrealm [realm name]
[!/]createrealm SEED
will create a realm
Only works in realms for admins but, sudo users can use it everywhere
###Add or remove realms
[!/]add realm
This command will add that group
[!/]rem realm
This command will remove that group
###Add or remove groups
This command will add that group
This command will remove that group
Bot will leave that group
###Everything about groups
This command will return everything about that group
[!/]all [group_id]
_Only onwer,admin and sudo users can use this command
[!/]setabout [Group_id] [text]
[!/]setabout 123456789 about
This command will set [text] as description of [Group_id]
[!/]setname [Group_id] [text]
[!/]setname 123456789 SEED
This command will set [text] as name of [Group_id]
[!/]setrules [Group_id] [text]
[!/]setrules 123456789 rules !
This command will set [text] as rules of [Group_id]
[!/]lock [Group_id] [name|flood|photo|member]
[!/]lock 123456789 name
This command will lock name|flood|photo|member of [Group_id]
[!/]Unlock [Group_id] [name|flood|photo|member]
[!/]Unlock 123456789 name
This command will unlock name|flood|photo|member of [Group_id]
[!/]setting [Group_id]
[!/]setting 12345678
This command will return settings of [Group_id]
[!/]addadmin [username]
[!/]addadmin @username
This command will add username as admin
Only works in realms
[!/]removeadmin [username]
[!/]removeadmin [username]
[!/]removeadmin @username
This command will add username as admin
Only works in realms [username]
[!/]list [admins|groups]
[!/]list groups
This command will return admins|groups list
[!/]broadcast [text]
[!/]broadcast Hello !
This command will send text to all groups
Only sudo users can run this command
/bc [group_id] [text]
/bc 123456789 Hello !
This command will send text to [group_id]
##Global ban commands
[!/]banall [id]
[!/]banall 123456789
This commands will globally ban [id] [!/]unbanall [id] [!/]unbanall 123456789 This commands will remove [id] from global bans
This command will return global bans ids
[!/]banlist [group_id]
[!/]banlist 123456789
This command will return banned user Of [group_id]
[!/]setgpowner [group_id] [User_id]
[!/]setgpowner 123456789 987654321
This command will set [User_id] as the owner of [group_id]
[!/]stats teleseed
This command will return bot stats
Get realm commands list
Sudo users and admins can also use this commands in all groups
[!/]kick [username|id]
[!/]kick @useranme [!/]kick 123456789
This command will remove that user
[!/]ban [username|id]
[!/]ban @username [!/]ban 123456789
this command will ban and remove that user
[!/]unban [id]
[!/]unban 12345678
This command will unban that user
This command will return bans list
[!/]lock [name|member|arabic|flood|bots]
[!/]lock flood
This command will lock name|member|arabic|flood|bots of groups
[!/]unlock [name|member|arabic|flood|bots]
[!/]unlock flood
This command will unlock name|member|arabic|flood|bots of groups
[!/]clean [modlist|rules|about|member]
[!/]clean modlist
This command will clean modlist|rules|about|member /clean member will kick all users except owner,admins and bot and it's for owners only
[!/]set [rules|about] [text]
[!/]set rules don't spam!
This command will set [text] as the rules|about of groups
[!/]setowner [id]
[!/]setowner 123456789
This command will set id as owner of that group
This command will change or set group photo also locks photo
[!/]setname [name]
[!/]setname SEED
This command will set [name] as name of groups
This command will revoke group link
This command will return group link
[!/]promote [username]
[!/]promote @username
This command will promote @username as moderator
[!/]demote [username]
[!/]demote @username
This command will demote @username
[!/]res [username]
[!/]res @username
This command will return info about that username
[!/]setflood [value]
[!/]setflood 15
will set flood sensitivity to [value]
This command will return group description
This command will return group rules
normal users can use it too
This command will return group settings
This command will return group moderators
normal users can use it too
This command will return owners id
[!/]save [title] [text]
[!/]save spam Don't spam !
This command will save text as that title
[!/]get [title]
[!/]get spam
This command will return text of that title
This command will return user or group id can be triggered by reply
Normal users can use it
This command will return group message statistic in a .txt file
This command will return group message statistic
This command will return member list in a .txt file
This command will return member list
Get commands list
These commands only works in bots private
[!/]owners group_id [kick|ban|unban] user_id
[!/]owners 1234567 kick 1234567
[!/]owners group_id clean [modlist|rules|about]
[!/]owners 1234567 clean modlist
[!/]owners group_id setflood value
[!/]owners 1234567 setflood 17
[!/]owners group_id lock [member|name]
[!/]owners 1234567 lock member
[!/]owner group_id unlock [member|name]
[!/]owners 1234567 unlock name
[!/]owners group_id get link
[!/]owners 1234567 get link
[!/]owners group_id new link
[!/]owners 1234567 new link
[!/]changename [group_id] [name]
[!/]changename 123456789 SEED
[!/]changrules [group_id] [rules]
[!/]changrules 123456789 rules !
/changeabout [group_id] [about]
/changeabout 123456789 about !
/loggroup [group_id]
/loggroup 123456789
/[!/]oin [group_id]
This command will add user in [group_id]
U can use both "/" and "!"
# Tested on Ubuntu 14.04, for other OSs check out
sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libconfig-dev libssl-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev libevent-dev make unzip git redis-server g++ libjansson-dev libpython-dev expat libexpat1-dev
# lets install the bot
cd $HOME
git clone
cd TeleSeed
chmod +x
./ install
./ # Enter a phone number & confirmation code.
To install everything in one command on debian-based distros, use: (useful for VPS deployment)
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade -y --force-yes; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y --force-yes; sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libconfig-dev libssl-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev libevent-dev libjansson* libpython-dev make unzip git redis-server g++ -y --force-yes && git clone && cd TeleSeed && chmod +x && ./ install && ./
After you ran bot for first time, go to bot and use !id command
Get your id then, stop bot
open file ./data/config.lua
add your id to the "sudo_users" section in the following format:
sudo_users = {
then start the bot again
Create a realm using !createrealm command
Check out this tutorial by: Telegram Geeks for further assistance with setup and installation.
Do not contact us In private for support.
Join our bot development group by sending /join 56670147
to @TeleSeed
If you are using /join service for first time you have to send it 11 times ( Bot is spam reported )
For Managing @teleseed on Telegram
For graphic designs
Our Telegram cahnnels > English: @TeleSeedCH Persian: @IranSeed