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A port of parts of Python's itertools (and maybe stuff from more-itertools, etc.) to Swift


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A port of Python's [itertools][itertools] and related things to Swift.



Developers in functional languages have long known the benefits of writing programs as a chain of list transformations, but lazy languages like Haskell have shown that this can be taken much farther. Python's Iterator protocol (along with related features) captures most of the benefit of lazy lists. Over the years, much of the relevant part of the Haskell standard prelude has been ported to Python (some as part of the standard library, mostly in the itertools module, and some in third-party modules like Erik Rose's [more-itertools][more-itertools], and Python developers have found new uses for this functionality (e.g., see David Beazley's [Generator Tricks for Systems Programmers][gentricks]). Many newer languages, like Scala and Clojure, have taken advantage of the experience of Haskell and Python to provide similar functionality.


Swift's Generator protocol is almost identical to Python's Iterator protocol, allowing for the same style of programming. However, its standard library provides only the most basic functions for processing them--map and filter and not much else. This library is an attempt to rectify that problem by porting useful functions from Python, Scala, Clojure, and Haskell to Swift, starting with most of Python's itertools module.

To understand some of these functions, it may help to think at a higher level of abstraction, of monads rather than specifically sequences, optional values, etc.. However, experience with Python and Scala developers have shown that this is a tough hurdle for many people, so I've kept things on the concrete level; there are no functions to lift a function to any monad, etc., just functions that deal with sequences, optionals, etc.

The resulting library should probably be called gentools or seqtools (since what Python calls Iterator and Iterable, Swift calls Generator and Sequence), but since itertools is such a well-known (and searchable) name, it seemed more appropriate.

Writing this library has also given me a good opportunity to learn Swift. See the blog [Stupid Swift Ideas][] for some of what I've discovered along the way.

[Stupid Swift Ideas]:

Static types and homogenous sequences

In keeping with Swift's nature as a traditional static-typed language, its collections are homogenous, so Sequence and Generator are meant to be implemented by homogenous collections, which are generic types parameterized on the element type. (The protocols themselves are not generic; instead, they use associated types, which can be bound to the parameters in implementing types. See [Generics][] in the Swift Language Guide for details.) While heterogeneous collections can be implemented either Java-style (by parameterizing on any or AnyObject) or ObjC-style (by bridging a class like NSArray that implements the NSFastEnumeration protocol) and casting back and forth, general-purpose functions like these should work on generic, homogenous sequences.


Because Swift attempts to be a stricter static language than Java or C#, more on the lines with C++ (or even Haskell), some familiarity with the C++ standard-library algorithms derived from [STL][] may be useful. However, it's worth noting that many of the techniques and concepts from that library don't seem to be portable to Swift. For example, many C++ functions that a sequence (or, rather, a pair of iterators--which doesn't mean the same thing as in either Python or Swift--but that can be ignored, as a Swift Generator is equivalent to a C++ input iterator that knows its own end) of type T, and a function that operates on objects of any type U for which T is convertible to U. There doesn't seem to be any way to define such a constraint in Swift, so the corresponding functions require a function on type T itself.


Similarly, while C++ makes it possible to define a function over a variable number of heterogeneous parameters (by using template parameter packs), Scala does not; variadic arguments must all be of the same type.

Differences from Python

A Python Iterator is a Swift Generator; the only major difference is that the next method doesn't have double underscores.

A Python Iterable is a Swift Sequence; the only major difference is that the iter method is called generate (and doesn't have double underscores).

Unlike Python, where every Iterator must also be an Iterable that returns self when you ask for an iterator, Swift appears to have no such constraint. It seems like at least some Generator types are written this way, so there's no reason not to do the same thing here. But it does affect the usefulness of these functions. In Python, the itertools functions take any kind of Iterable, which automatically means they work on any Iterator (consuming it); the Swift equivalent, taking any kind of Sequence, means not working on some Generators. Fortunately, since we're only returning Sequences that are Generators, at least you can chain itertools functions together the same way as in Python.

The existing stuff in Swift's standard library (map, etc.) seems to set a precedent that functions should come last whenever possible (which makes sense, given the quasi-Ruby-style special handling for closure arguments), and failing that, sequences should come first. That's not the same as the standard in Python, but it makes sense to follow the local Swift standards, so we'll do that.

In Python, variadic parameters can be followed by optional parameters, making those optional parameters keyword-only. Swift allows for variadic, optional, and keyword-only parameters, but doesn't allow any way to combine them all in a single function.

Some functions can't be as flexible as they are in Python (or at least I can't figure out how to do so...), sometimes because of the homogenous sequence issue, but sometimes because of limitations of the language. Such cases have been split into separate functions.

Utility functions and types

Addable Protocol for types where T+T->T makes sense. Int and Float are already registered.

array(sequence: Sequence) --> T[] Turns any Sequence of T into an Array of T. If the sequence isn't repeatable, it will be consumed. If it's infinite, this will of course hang forever.

defaultify(value: T?, defvalue: T) --> value! or defvalue Supplies a default value for an optional. (May not be necessary with future compilers, but for now it's needed to work around a compiler crash from the obvious way to do this concisely inline.)

negate(T->Bool) --> T->Bool Takes a predicate and returns the opposite predicate.

zipopt(T?, U?) --> (T, U)? Given two optional values, returns an optional tuple, nil if either value is nil.

Folding functions

While Swift does have a builtin reduce(sequence, start, function), just running reduce([1, 2, 3, 4], 0, {$0+$1}) takes about 8 seconds on my laptop. Also, neither function nor start can be defaulted, which means we really need four separate functions to handle all of the cases. (For a more general reduce that includes a transform function as well, we'd need 8, but the three-arg reduce plus map should make that unnecessary.) So:

sum1(sequence: Sequence<T>) --> s[0] + s[1] + ... It is an error to call this on an empty sequence.

sum(sequence: Sequence<T>, start: T) --> start + s[0] + s[1] + ...

fold1(sequence: Sequence<T>, combine: (T, T)->T --> combine(combine(...(s[0], s[1]), s[2]), ...) It is an error to call this on an empty sequence.

fold(sequence: Sequence<T>, start: T, combine: (T, T)->T --> combine(combine(...(start, s[0]), s[1]), ...)

Infinite Iterators

counter(start: Int = 0, step: Int = 1) --> start, start+step, start+step*2, ... Named counter to avoid collision with the builtin count. Only counts integers, a restriction Python doesn't enforce.

cycle(sequence: Sequence) --> s[0], s[1], ..., s[n-1], s[0], s[1], ... Stashes the values, so it works with non-repeatable sequences. (Which may not be an issue in Swift; maybe non-repeatble Generators generally aren't sequences?)

repeat(obj: T, times: Int) --> obj, obj, ... (times copies) Does not allow infinite repeat, unlike Python. Also note that there seems to be a type Repeat(count: Int, repeatedValue: T) in the stdlib but undocumented.

Iterators terminating on shortest input sequence

accumulate(sequence: Sequence, f: (T, T)->T) --> s[0], f(s[0], s[1]), f(f(s[0], s[1]), s[2]), ... The function does not have a default value, unlike Python. See cumulative_sum for a version that does.

cumulative_sum(sequence: Sequence of Addable, f: (T, T)->T = { $0+$1 }) --> s[0], s[0]+s[1], s[0]+s[1]+s[2], ... The function defaults to addition, which is why cumulative_sum only works on Addable types. See accumulate for a version that works on all sequences. (Currently disabled because of compiler crash.)

chain(sequences: Sequence...) --> s0[0], s0[1], ..., s0[n0-1], s1[0], ..., s1[n1-1], ...

chain_sequences(sequences: Sequence of Sequences) --> s[0][0], s[0][1], ..., s[0][n0-1], s[1][0], ..., s[1][n1-1], ... This is the equivalent of chain.from_iterable in Python.

compress(data: Sequence, selectors: Sequence of Bool) --> d[0] if s[0], d[1] if s[1], ... As usual, unlike Python, the selectors here must be actual Bools. To compress based on integers, see compress_nz.

compress_nz(data: Sequence, selectors: Sequence of Int) --> d[0] if s[0]!=0, d[1] if s[1]!=0, ... To compress based on Bools, see compress.

dropwhile(sequence: Sequence, predicate: T->Bool) --> s[n], s[n+1], ... (starting when predicate(s[n-1]) fails)

filterfalse(sequence: Sequence, predicate: T->Bool) --> s[0] if !p(s[0]), s[1] if !p(s[1]), ...

groupby(sequence: Sequence, key: T->U) --> (key(s[0]), [s[0], s[1], ...]), (key(s[n]), [s[n], s[n+1], ...]), ... Unlike the Python version, the key function is not optional; see groupby_nokey to group equal objects without a key function. Also unlike Python, groupby doesn't return sub-iterators, it returns arrays. (Not just because it would be a ton of work to return sub-Generator objects, but because people often find groupby hard to work with in Python...)

groupby_nokey(sequence: Sequence) --> (s[0], [s[0], s[1], ...]), (s[n], [s[n], s[n+1], ...]), ... Groups equal values, without a key function. To use a key function, see groupby.

islice(sequence: Sequence, start=0, stop=nil, step=1) --> s[start], s[start+step], ..., s[start+n*step] Unlike the Python version, you can't call this with a single positional argument as stop, but then that's a weird design in Python anyway. Use keyword arguments.

starmap(sequence: Sequence of tuples, f) --> f(*s[0]), f(*s[1]), ... Does not exist, because (a) tuples aren't sequences, (b) there doesn't seem to be any way to convert from even a homogenous sequence to a tuple or vice-versa, and (c) even if you could, there doesn't seem to be any way to call a function given its arguments as a tuple.

tee(sequence: Sequence, n: Int) --> [s0, s1, ..., sn-1] This should tee a single (possibly non-repeatable) Sequence into n separate copies, all of which contain all of the elements of the original. Unfortunately, it seems to be impossible to implement without a compiler crash.

zip(s0: Sequence of T0, s1: sequence of T1) --> (s0[0], s1[0]), (s0[1], s1[1]), ... Unlike the Python version, this only handles exactly two sequences, because there doesn't seem to be any way to accept variadic arguments of different Sequence types, or to build a tuple with a dynamically-specified number of elements.

zip_longest(s0: Sequence of T0?, s1: sequence of T1?) --> (s0[0], s1[0]), (s0[1], s1[1]), ..., (nil, s1[n]), ... Unlike the Python version, this only handles exactly two sequences (like zip). It also requires both sequences to be of optional values, and fills missing values with nil. See also zip_fill.

zip_fill(s0: Sequence of T0, s1: sequence of T1, f0: T0, f1: T1) --> (s0[0], s1[0]), (s0[1], s1[1]), ..., (f0, s1[n]), ... Unlike the Python version, this only handles exactly two sequences (like zip). Also unlike the Python version, it requires two separate fill values. See also zip_longest.

Combinatoric generators

product(s0: Sequence of T, s1: Sequence of T, ...) --> (s0[0], s1[0]), (s0[0], s0[1]), ..., (s0[1], s1[0]), ... Unlike Python's product, this cannot be used for heterogeneous lists of sequences (see product2), or for a single sequence with a repeat parameter (see self_product).

product2(s0: Sequence of T0, s1: Sequence of T1) --> (s0[0], s1[0]), (s0[0], s0[1]), ..., (s0[1], s1[0]), ... Unlike Python's product, this does not take an arbitrary number of arguments, it takes exactly two. For a single sequence and a repeat value, see self_product.

self_product(s: Sequence of T, repeat: Int) --> (s[0], s[0]), (s[0], s[1]), ..., (s[1], s[0]), ... This is equivalent to product(s, repeat) in Python.

permutations, combinations, combinations_with_replacement later


take(s: Sequence of T, n: Int) --> [s[0], s[1], ..., s[n]]

tabulate(function: Int->T) --> function(0), function(1), ... Unlike the Python version, this doesn't take an optional start value n, because we need to put function last to preserve the usual trailing-closure style. See tabulate_n.

tabulate_n(n: Int, function: Int->T) --> function(n), function(n+1), ...

consume(sequence: Sequence, n: Int?) --> nil Note that when called on an actual Sequence that creates new Generators on each call, rather than one that wraps a Generator and returns self, this will have no visible effect, and that seems to be much more common with Swift's stdlib than Python's.

nth(sequence: Sequence, n: Int) --> s[n] or nil Unlike the Python version, this does not take an optional default value (because that would change the type from T? to T). See nth_default.

nth_default(sequence: Sequence, n: Int, defvalue: T) --> s[n] or defvalue


A port of parts of Python's itertools (and maybe stuff from more-itertools, etc.) to Swift







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