Simulated model for efficiency evaluation of push-gossip protocol.
This model simulates synchronous push-gossip process in distributed system with mesh topology. Model has variety of parameters: network size, fan-out size, number of experiments. Application executes several experiments and calculates time in hops when all network nodes got the propagated data.
You can build application or use it inside docker container.
To build use command go build
, with git
and gcc
We recommend to run model inside docker container. For interactive mode
use make repl
which builds environment and starts gossipmodel
$ make repl
Sending build context to Docker daemon 375.3kB
Step 1/8 : FROM golang:alpine as builder
---> f56365ec0638
Step 2/8 : RUN apk add --no-cache git gcc musl-dev
. . .
Successfully built 0fabd6489c97
Successfully tagged gossip-model-image:latest
Interactive push-gossip model runner
Print 'run' and fill model parameters
>>> run
Network size: 100
Fan-out size: 10
Number of experiments: 20
Size: 100 Fan-out: 10
3:17 (85.00%) 4:2 (10.00%) inf:1 (5.00%)
Reused avg: 600
Another way is to run application in silent mode
$ make up
Sending build context to Docker daemon 375.8kB
Step 1/8 : FROM golang:alpine as builder
---> f56365ec0638
. . .
/ # gossipmodel -s 100 -f 9 -c 1000
Size: 100 Fan-out: 9
3:743 (74.30%) 4:256 (25.60%) inf:1 (0.10%)
Reused avg: 544
Application outputs model params and simulation results.
in example above means that 743 out of 1000
experiments (74.3%) were finished in 3 propagation hops.