This project consists of an app that tracks your activities. Each activity is specified with a starting and ending DateTime, they also can be included in groups. All of the requirements are listed here
- Ruby >= 2.6.5
- Rails >= 6.0.3
- Postgres >= 9.5
- Javascript
- CSS3
- Bootstrap >= 3
- PostreSQL
- To run Capybara test with Selenium: chromium chrome driver
Clone or download the repo:
$ git clone [email protected]:abdelp/ror-capstone.git
$ cd ror-capstone
$ bundle
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate
Inside the root folder run:
rails s
To register a new user you:
- Can optionally select an image as an avatar of the user.
- Need to input the full name of your user.
- Need to select a username, the username cannot be already taken by another user.
- Need to indicate your email.
- A password of at least 6 characters.
To login, it is only required to specify the username.
To create a new time entry you:
- Need to specify a description of the Time Entry.
- Select the starting time of the activity.
- Select the ending time of the activity, it must be greater than the starting time.
- The total amount of time is automatically calculated once the starting and ending time is selected.
- Can optionally select a previously created group for the Time Entry.
To display all of the time entries created by the logged in user
To create a new group you:
- Can optionally select an image.
- Need to select a name for the group.
- To run the tests where an image upload it's available you need to put an image "profile.png" in your /tmp folder.
- The tests with selenium require the previous installation of chromium chrome driver compatible with the chrome browser to use.
- Run the tests with:
To deploy on Heroku:
You need to register an account on Heroku
After that, inside the root folder, you need to create and migrate the project:
$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku run rails db:migrate
👤 Abdel Perez
- Github: @abdelp
- Twitter: @AbdelPerez11
- Linkedin: abdel-perez
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- All credits for the design goes to Gregoire Vella
- Sidebar template inspired by bootstrapious
This project is MIT licensed.