this is a project based on MVVM with sqllite "android Architecture Components" built for stores to put them products inside it with material design principles
the app will help you improve the local business that you can add all the products in the store and add the quantity of it
- name "the name of the product inside the App".
- price "the product price for the customers".
- code "the product code: its a placeHolder for the barcode upc_a that will replace it in the next version ".
- quantity "the quantity of the product that you have in the store".
- quantity limit " the minimum quantity of the product that the app will give you a warning if you reach it".
you can sell a product when you swipe it to left or right each swipe will reduce the quantity number and when you click the product you can change its values price, quantity, etc any change in the quantity will be recorded and add to a page called logs that you can reach it from the drop-down menu
for example, if you reduce the quantity of the product while editing the app will record it in the logs as a loss but if you sell a product by swiping it will be recorded in logs as a profit
- name " here will type the name of the product + plus the quantity of it"
- value "the amount of money that you earned or lost "
- type "indicates if its a loss or a profit"
the last section is bills that you can create a new bill from it and add the current products that you are selling in it and get the total price of the bill and the billing name is the date of it in UNIX time
- date
- total price
- name
- price
- quantity
- total price
project sql tables is three
- _id @PrimaryKey
- name "the name of the product inside the App".
- price "the product price for the customers".
- code "the product code: its a placeHolder for the barcode upc_a that will replace it in the next version ".
- quantity "the quantity of the product that you have in the store".
- quantity limit " the minimum quantity of the product that the app will give you a warning if you reach it".
- _ID @primaryKey
- name " here will type the name of the product + plus the quantity of it"
- value "the amount of money that you earned or lost "
- type "indicates if its a loss or a profit"
- _BID
- date
- total price
- _ID
- _BID " the associated bill id "
- name
- price
- quantity
- total price
- print bill with a thermal printer
- add barcodes to products
- sell-by barcode