appEngine - simple dispatcher for request
initialize appengine and register workers
var app = new ApplicationEngine();
and you're ready to go
//and now you can just
var response = app.Execute(new Request{
arg1 = "Hello",
arg2 = "World"
// and hey, your response have an intellisense
appEngine will send request to the Worker that knows how to handle the request and will return the response.
All the magic is created with just 2 interfaces:
- Mark Interface for Request
public interface IRequest<TRequest, TResponse>{}
that tells the engine the type of request and corresponding response
- Worker
public interface IHandle<TRequest,TResponse>
TResponse Process(IRequest<TRequest, TResponse> request);
Worker that can process the given request to given response.
Now with that, you can separate UI layer from the real application without any unnececary references and keep things separated