- Create basic structure
- Docker setup (v20.10.2)
- Flask app (default Flask app, requirements)
- Some generic content (Added default structure from documentation)
- Add Blueprints (Model-Template-View)
- Add Jinja2 templates (+ Bootstrap's Font Awesome, generic CSS)
- Added some default content (FAQ's, ToS, Policy Page)
- Testing (pytest, pytest-cov, flake8)
- Added CLI (Click, added testing commands)
- Flask extension (added debug toolbar)
- Form creation (Celery, WTForms, auto-email setup)
- Admin Dashboard
- Logging and error handling
- CLI additions
- Add some functionality
- Payments + Micro-transactions
- DB migration
Setup Oracle VirtualBox v6.1
Start Docker Container [Docker: 20.10.2, Docker-compose: 1.27.4]
Go to the project directory
Type in terminal:
docker-compose up --build
My filepath for the app.py folder is based on Windows filesystem
For Linux:
Make Changes in docker-compose.yml --> volumes - '.:/snakeeyes' for gunicorn and celery
For tests: Start another terminal (Docker)
docker-compose exec website snakeeyes test docker-compose exec website snakeeyes cov
The website will be on 'localhost:8000'
Stop the containers:
docker-compose stop
Cleanup the dangling/stopped containers
docker-compose rm if docker rmi -f $(docker images -qf dangling=true)