A POC Neo4j Application about the News
We are getting the news from FeedZilla, see their REST API for details.
We are using AlchemyAPI for named entity extraction, see their Entity Extraction API for details.
git clone git://github.com/maxdemarzi/neo_news.git
bundle install (run gem install bundler if you don't have bundler installed)
sudo apt-get install redis-server or brew install redis or install redis manually
rake neo4j:install
rake neo4j:start
rake neo4j:create
export REDISTOGO_URL="redis://"
export ALCHEMY_API="your alchemy api key"
foreman start
rake neonews:collect
git clone git://github.com/maxdemarzi/neo_news.git
heroku apps:create neonews
heroku addons:add neo4j
heroku addons:add redistogo
git push heroku master
heroku ps:scale worker=1
heroku run rake neo4j:create
heroku run rake neonews:collect
See it running live at http://neonews.heroku.com