- Firebase function deployed base URL : https://us-central1-loan-management-redcarpet.cloudfunctions.net/api/
- API documentaion link: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/12152994/TVKEXcRU
- Database used - Firebase Firestore
- Framework - Express.js
- Features:
- List & view details of customers (only by agents & admins).
- Create a loan request by the agent on behalf of its customer.
- Approval/Rejection of loan request (only by admin roles).
- Edit a loan if it's not been approved (only by agents). The database is designed to have double safety, the edited loan can be rolled back to its previous value.
- Rollback loan details to its previous value (double safety enabled).
- List & view loans based on applied filters. The response can be filtered & sorted by loanStatus, loanType, registrationDate, tenure, loanAmount.
- Customer can upload a required document in pdf or doc format which can later be used to verify the customer credentials by agents or admins.
- Email verification after signup (for agents & customers)
- Delete loan-request only if it's not approved. (By agent)
The database has 4 collections namely admin, agents, customers & loans.
- admin
- name : {type: String}
- email : {type: String}
- agents : {type: Array}
- adminId : {type: String}
- agents
- name: {type: String}
- email: {type: String}
- phone: {type: Number}
- age: {type: Number},
- address: {type: String}
- adminId: {type: String}
- agentId: {type: String}
- customers: {type: Array}
- loanDetails: {type: Array}
- customers
- name: {type: String}
- email: {type: String}
- phone: {type: String}
- age: {type: String}
- address: {type: String}
- city: {type: String}
- country: {type: String}
- state: {type: String}
- phone: {type: Number}
- agentId: {type: String}
- customerId: {type: String}
- grossMonthlyIncome: {type: Number}
- loanDetails: {type: Array}
- registrationDate: {type: Date}
- occupation: {type: String}
- DocURL: {type: String}
- loans
- agentId: {type: String}
- customerId: {type: String}
- loanId: {type: String}
- loanAmount: {type: Number}
- loanType: {type: String}
- rate: {type: String}
- loanStatus: {type: String}
- tenure: {type: Number}
- registrationDate: {type: Date}
- lastUpdate: {type: Date}
- Admin will have the reference to each agent registered under them. Through this reference, admin can access agent details, customer details and loan details of customers.
- Only admin can approve or reject loans.
- Every agent has to register themselves under an admin (Agent signup API will take admin ID as param).
- An agent must use business email id (For testing purpose agent must register themselves by an email id other than the ones having domain name gmail.com, yahoo.com, hotmail.com, msn.com & outlook.com, later on, we can allow agents to register themselves from a specific domain ).
- Each registered agent will have the reference to loans applied by him on behalf of his customer, also agents will have the reference to the customers under them. Agents have access limited to their customers & loans (to ensure privacy between all agents & their customers). This means that an agent will not be able to access other agents' customer details or loan details.
- Agents have the ability to edit loans request initiated by them only if it has not been approved by admin, also agents have the freedom to rollback loan-details.
- Agents can filter, sort & view loan details.
- Every customer has to register themselves under an agent (Customer signup API will take agent ID as param).
- A customer can register itself using an email and password. The email account must be verified before login.
- A customer will have the reference to loan IDs registered under them which can be used to access loan details and check its status.
- A customer can upload relevent document in .pdf & .docs format which can be used for verification.
- A customer can filter, sort & view details of the loan under its id.
- Every loan object will have a subcollection named history to store the previous values just before update, this ensures double-safety of loans.
- As soon a new loan is requested it will get updated in the respective customer collection and loan status of "new" will be assigned to this loan object.
- registrationDate will be the date on which loan request is initiated & lastUpdate will be the date on which it's being approved by admin else updated by its agent. Admin will be the last person to update loan status.
- tenure will be in months