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IoT analytics with Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Synapse Analytics and Confluent Cloud

Our (hypothetical) requirement is to deal ingest, store and analyse device data such as temperature and pressure) in different locations. Mock device data is generated using a program. This data flows into a MQTT broker and the Kafka MQTT source connector is used to it to a Confluent Cloud Kafka cluster on Azure. From there on, the Kafka Connect Sink connector for Azure Cosmos DB takes care of sending the device data from Confluent Cloud to Azure Cosmos DB.

Both the connectors run in Azure Kubernetes Service as separate Deployments. Once the pipeline is operational and the device data is flowing into Azure Cosmos DB, it should be put to good use! This tutorial covers a couple of examples:


Infrastructure setup

Provision Confluent Cloud cluster on Azure Marketplace. Create a new Dedicated cluster in Confluent Cloud with Private Link enabled, set up a private endpoint in your Azure VNet, and securely connect to Confluent Cloud Kafka cluster for data in motion from your Azure VNet. Configure Azure Private Link for Dedicated clusters in Azure using these instructions.

Once that's done, create the following:

To setup Azure Cosmos DB, start by creating an account using the Azure portal. Turn on the Azure Synapse Link feature (navigate to the Features section in the Azure portal).

Create a database (named iotdb) and containers with the below mentioned specifications:

  • device-data: Partition key - /location, Analytical store On
  • avg_temp: Partition key - /id, Analytical store Off
  • locations: Partition key - /id, Analytical store On
  • avg_temp_enriched: Partition key - /id, Analytical store Off

All the containers should show up under the iotdb database

Provision a Azure Synapse Workspace using the portal. Once that's done, you can follow these instructions to create a serverless Apache Spark pool. Finally, create a Linked Service for Azure Cosmos DB.

Install a Kubernetes cluster on Azure using the portal or Azure CLI - make sure it's in the same VNet as per Private Link config.

In order to connect to the cluster from your local machine using kubectl, use the below command:

az aks get-credentials --resource-group <AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP> --name <AKS_CLUSTER_NAME>

To confirm:

kubectl get nodes

#output will be similar to
NAME                                STATUS   ROLES   AGE   VERSION
aks-agentpool-12345678-vmss000000   Ready    agent   1d    v1.20.7

Create an instance of Azure Spring Cloud using the Azure portal using this guide.

Clone this GitHub repo before you proceed further:

git clone
cd azure-kafka-iot

Send device data to Kafka using MQTT source connector

This tutorial makes use of a publicly hosted HiveMQ MQTT broker. This will make things quite simple since you don't have to worry about setting up a broker yourself.

The public HivemQ broker is available at and it is open for anyone. This tutorial makes use of it for experimental/instructional purposes only.

Update the Secret manifest file kafka-cluster-secret.yaml (under mqtt-source-connector/deploy) with API Key and Secret for Confluent Cloud.

To deploy the connector:

kubectl apply -f mqtt-source-connector/deploy/

#expected output
secret/kafka-cluster-credentials created
configmap/mqtt-connector-config created
deployment.apps/mqtt-kafka-connector created

Create MQTT source connector instance

Make sure to update the mqtt-source-config.json (under mqtt-source-connector) and enter the correct values for confluent.topic.bootstrap.servers and confluent.topic.sasl.jaas.config. Here is the connector configuration snippet:

    "name": "mqtt-source",
    "config": {
        "connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.mqtt.MqttSourceConnector",
        "tasks.max": "1",
        "mqtt.server.uri": "tcp://",
        "mqtt.topics": "device-stats",
        "kafka.topic": "mqtt.device-stats",
        "confluent.topic.replication.factor": 3,
        "confluent.topic.bootstrap.servers": "<confluent cloud bootstrap server>",
        "": "SASL_SSL",
        "confluent.topic.sasl.jaas.config": " required username='<confluent cloud API key>' password='confluent cloud API secret';",

The MQTT topic named device-stats is mapped to mqtt.device-stats topic in Kafka. Leave these values unchanged

To keep things simple, we can use port forwarding to access the REST interface for the Kafka Connect instance in Kubernetes:

kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods -l=app=mqtt-kafka-connector --output=jsonpath={}) 8083:8083

Use the Kafka Connect REST interface to create the connector instance:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8083/connectors -d @mqtt-source-connector/mqtt-source-config.json

# wait for a minute before checking the connector status
curl http://localhost:8083/connectors/mqtt-source/status

Publish mock data

An application to generate device data has been packaged as a pre-built Docker image for your convenience. It will start publishing mock JSON data to an MQTT broker endpoint:

Here is the Dockerfile for this application.

To start the producer application:

docker run -e MQTT_BROKER=tcp:// abhirockzz/mqtt-go-producer

If everything works well, you should see data flowing into Confluent Cloud. Check the mqtt.device-stats topic.

Now that our source setup is operational, its time to focus on the part that will persist the device data in the Kafka topic to a container in Azure Cosmos DB using the Kafka Connect Sink connector for Azure Cosmos DB.

Send device data from Confluent Cloud topic to Azure Cosmos DB

To deploy the Azure Cosmos DB connector:

kubectl apply -f cosmosdb-sink-connector/deploy/

#expected output
configmap/connector-config created
deployment.apps/cosmosdb-kafka-connector created

Wait for the Kafka Connect instance to start - it might take a minute or so. In the meantime, you can keep track of the logs:

kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get pods -l=app=cosmosdb-kafka-connector --output=jsonpath={})

Make sure to update the connector configuration with the Azure Cosmos DB account name (in connect.cosmos.connection.endpoint) and the Access Key (for connect.cosmos.master.key attribute). Leave the others unchanged.

Just like before, we can use port forwarding To access the REST interface for the Kafka Connect instance:

kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods -l=app=cosmosdb-kafka-connector --output=jsonpath={}) 9090:8083

In another terminal, enter the below command to start the Azure Cosmos DB connector instance:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @cosmosdb-sink-connector/connector-config.json http://localhost:9090/connectors

# wait for few seconds before checking the status and making sure its RUNNING
curl http://localhost:9090/connectors/iot-sink/status

Since the device records are already flowing into Kafka via MQTT source connector (in the mqtt.device-stats topic), it should get persisted to Azure Cosmos DB. Navigate to the Azure portal and check the device-data container:

We have the pipeline setup, good progress so far! It's time to process this data.

Near real-time processing using Azure Synapse Analytics

The rest of the steps are a part of this notebook.

We start by reading data from the device-data container in Azure Comsmos DB. Note that this is executed against the analytical store (notice the cosmos.olap format) which is a fully isolated column store to run analytics without affecting your transactional workloads.

iotdata ="cosmos.olap")\
            .option("spark.synapse.linkedService", "iotcosmos")\
            .option("spark.cosmos.container", "device-data")\


This is followed by a basic aggregation which involves calculating the average temperature across all devices in each location:

average_temp = iotdata.groupBy("location").avg("temp") \
                        .withColumnRenamed("avg(temp)", "avg_temp") \


This DataFrame is written to another Azure Cosmos DB container (avg_temp).

The id attribute is used as the partition key (which is populated with the same value as the location name). This allows you to do point queries (least expensive) to get the average temperature across all devices for a specific location.

Writing to Azure Cosmos DB is simple as well. Please note that writes always go to the OLTP container (note cosmos.oltp format) and consume Request Units provisioned on the Azure Cosmos DB container:

average_temp_new = average_temp \
                    .withColumn("id", average_temp["location"]) \

    .option("spark.synapse.linkedService", "iotcosmos")\
    .option("spark.cosmos.container", "avg_temp")\
    .option("spark.cosmos.write.upsertEnabled", "true")\

Navigate to the Azure portal and check the avg_temp container in Azure Cosmos DB.

Note that the location data is of the form location-1, location-2 etc. It does not make a lot of sense. What if we enrich this with the actual location name? It's a good excuse to learn how to use Spark SQL tables in Synapse and join it with data from Azure Cosmos DB!

First, we need the location metadata to be stored in Azure Cosmos DB. It's a CSV file whose contents are:

location-1,New Delhi
location-2,New Jersey
location-3,New Orleans
location-9,New york

Upload this file to the ADLS filesystem associated with the Azure Synapse workspace.

Read the CSV info into a Data Frame:

locationInfo = (spark
                .csv("/location-metadata.csv", header=True, inferSchema='true')


... and write that data to Azure Cosmos DB:

locations = locationInfo \
                    .withColumn("id", locationInfo["name"]) \

            .option("spark.synapse.linkedService", "iotcosmos")\
            .option("spark.cosmos.container", "locations")\
            .option("spark.cosmos.write.upsertEnabled", "true")\

Navigate to the Azure portal and check the locations container:

Start by creating a Spark database:

create database iotcosmos

Create Spark tables on top of raw device data and the location metadata in Azure Cosmos DB. First one is iotcosmos.iot_data:

create table if not exists iotcosmos.iot_data using cosmos.olap options (
    spark.synapse.linkedService 'iotcosmos',
    spark.cosmos.container 'device-data'

The second table is iotcosmos.locations:


create table if not exists iotcosmos.locations using cosmos.olap options (
    spark.synapse.linkedService 'iotcosmos',
    spark.cosmos.container 'locations'

JOIN the data in different tables, based on location:

avg_temp_enriched = spark.sql("select, \
                            a.location, \
                            AVG(a.temp) \
                            from iotcosmos.iot_data a \
                             join iotcosmos.locations b \
                            on a.location = \
                            group by a.location,")


The result is the average temperature across all devices in a location with the location name (enriched information). Finally, we write it to the avg_temp_enriched container in Azure Cosmos DB.

avg_temp_enriched_with_id = avg_temp_enriched \
                    .withColumn("id", avg_temp_enriched["location"]) \
                    .withColumnRenamed("avg(temp)", "avg_temp") \


    .option("spark.synapse.linkedService", "iotcosmos")\
    .option("spark.cosmos.container", "avg_temp_enriched")\
    .option("spark.cosmos.write.upsertEnabled", "true")\

Navigate to the Azure portal and check the avg_temp_enriched container.

In the final section, you will deploy a Java app on Azure Spring Cloud to expose the aggregated temperature data in Azure Cosmos DB.

Access Spring Boot application to check device data

Start by creating the Azure Spring Cloud application using Azure CLI. First, install the Azure Spring Cloud extension for the Azure CLI:

az extension add --name spring-cloud

Create the Azure Spring Cloud applications:

az spring-cloud app create -n device-stats -s <enter the name of Azure Spring Cloud service instance> -g <enter azure resource group name> --runtime-version Java_11 --assign-endpoint true

device-stats is the application name

Before deploying the application, update the (in device-data-api/src/main/resources) file with Azure Cosmos DB account name and Access key:

azure.cosmos.uri=https://<account name>
azure.cosmos.key=<access key>

Build the application JAR file:

cd device-data-api
export JAVA_HOME=<enter path to JDK e.g. /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/zulu-11.jdk/Contents/Home>
mvn clean package

To deploy the application JAR file:

az spring-cloud app deploy -n device-stats -s <enter the name of Azure Spring Cloud service instance> -g <enter azure resource group name> --jar-path target/device-data-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

While the application gets deployed and starts up, you can check the logs to monitor its progress:

az spring-cloud app logs -n device-stats -s <enter the name of Azure Spring Cloud service instance> -g <enter azure resource group name>

Navigate to the Azure portal and confirm that the application is up and running.

To invoke the REST API, we need to find the endpoint at which our application is accessible. You can just use the Azure portal for that, but its also possible to do it via Azure CLI:

az spring-cloud app show -n device-stats -s <enter the name of Azure Spring Cloud service instance> -g <enter azure resource group name> --query 'properties.url'

There are two endpoints supported by the app:

  • One for listing all the devices with their respective (average) temperature readings
  • The other for checking a specific device using its id (which in this example, happens to be location-1, location-2 etc.)

You can invoke the APIs with your browser or use a CLI tool such as curl

To find info for all devices:

where az-spring-cloud is the name of the Azure Spring Cloud service instance


# JSON output
    "id": "location-6",
    "avg_temp": 29.21153846153846,
    "info": "Toronto"
    "id": "location-5",
    "avg_temp": 25.482142857142858,
    "info": "Colorado"
    "id": "location-2",
    "avg_temp": 23.28,
    "info": "New Jersey"
    "id": "location-4",
    "avg_temp": 21.6875,
    "info": "Seattle"
    "id": "location-8",
    "avg_temp": 22.408163265306122,
    "info": "Ottawa"
    "id": "location-3",
    "avg_temp": 27.428571428571427,
    "info": "New Orleans"
    "id": "location-7",
    "avg_temp": 27.82857142857143,
    "info": "Montreal"
    "id": "location-9",
    "avg_temp": 21.9811320754717,
    "info": "New york"
    "id": "location-1",
    "avg_temp": 25.53846153846154,
    "info": "New Delhi"

For a specific location (location-2):

where az-spring-cloud is the name of the Azure Spring Cloud service instance


# JSON output
  "id": "location-2",
  "avg_temp": 25.337579617834393,
  "info": "New Jersey"