Some codes in this program are forked from However, the author stated that he has leaved academia and had limited time to prepare these tools for publication. Since more codes have been added, I created this repository for easily generate initial configuration of polycrystalline graphene in LAMMPS data format.
These packages below are required for running this program:
mkl/2023.1.0 mpi/2021.9.0 gcc/7.5.0 openjdk/13.0.1 ovito/2.9.0
tar -vxf fftw-3.3.10.tar.gz
cd fftw-3.3.10
module load mpi/2021.9.0 mkl/2023.1.0
./configure --enable-mpi --prefix="/home-beegfs/apps/devt/fftw-3.3.10mpi"
make -j 10
make install
git clone
cd pfc/src
mpicc pfc.c -lfftw3_mpi -lfftw3 -lm -Ofast -Wall -I/opt/devt/fftw3-mpi/include -L/opt/devt/fftw3-mpi/lib -o pfc