This repo is about Learning RISC V 32-bit integer base instructions set, making a cookbook for the instruction sets and its verilog implementation procedure
RISC-V (say risk-five) is an open-source instruction set architecture (ISA) based on RISC (reduced instruction set computer).
The basic philosophy behind RISC is to move the maximum complexity from the silicon to the language compiler (to assembly code writer). The hardware (development and design) is kept as simple and fast as possible, i.e. simplify the instruction, lightweight low-power hardware circuit for decoding the instruction and execution within the silicon, with the side effects involved assembly program development.
RISC-V instruction is simple, it is designed to have a limited number of instructions and the decoding procedure to extract the information. For example, one can have an instruction clear in their instruction set, to clear one of its general purpose register banks (reg0), the same operation can be met by doing xor operation (reg0 ^ reg0 a logical bitwise exclusive or operation). Thus the separate clear instruction is no longer required.
Another simplicity in RISC-V design is that it simplifies the data access. It transfers data via only two instructions namely load and store, all other operations are solely performed within the processor.
Here will go through how a particular base RV32I RISC-V 32-bit Integer Instruction set constructed, and the Verilog code.
This document is created with reference document The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual, Volume I: Unprivileged ISA Riscv reference manual.
There are four RISC-V ISA base architectures, RV32I, RV32E (embeded version of RV32I for energy constraint), RV64I, RV128I.
RV32I it is a gateway to understand other RISC-V ISA bases and extensions. All these base instruction sets support integer arithmetic (and, or, xor, add, sub, shift right, shift left). It does not support floating point arithmetic or integer multiplication/division.
To include integer multiplication/division capability, we have to include the extension M that comprise details on multiplication/division encoding formats.
RV32I Instruction set can be classified into 7 classes (in a simple human-readable way), they are
Arithmetic Instructions like addition, subtraction, and logical bitwise operations.
Load and Store Instructions deals with loading data from memory to register, and store data from register to memory area.
Control Transfer Instructions deal with the flow of the program, they are conditional (think of if else statement operations on register values), unconditional (strict jump), procedure calls and returns.
Data Transfer Instructions move data within registers or performing operations on data within registers.
Immediate Instructions special type instructions perform on the instruction itself (the part of 32-bit instruction is an operand).
Shift Instructions logical and arithmetic shifts on register data.
Comparison Instructions Comparing register data or register data with immediate value (part of 32-bit instructions field).
If we classify these instructions based on the encoding scheme, it will be a total of 6.
General Purpose Registers It is better to emphasize here that RV32I base instruction supports 32 general-purpose registers (named as X0, X1, ....X31), each has 32 bits length and one program counter register (PC).
Note, there is no special link register (LR) or stack pointer (SP), nonetheless, hardware designer often reserve X1,X2 for LR, SP. And also Note, register X0 is hardwired to zero, you won't store data in X0, it is defined as it is to limit the number of instructions in RV32I base format.
Quiz: How many bits are needed to address these 32 registers?: Ans: 5.
Let's introduce these general-purpose registers in Verilog
reg [31:0] GenRegBanks_X [31:0]; // memory for general purpose registers
reg [31:0] GenReg_PC; // memory for program counter register
Arithmetic Instructions Example
ADD X3, X1, X2 // Add data from registers X1 and X2, and store it in register X3.
It is encoded as 0000000 rs2 rs1 000 rd 0110011, where rs2, rs1, rd are the 5 bits wide
address to the registers X2,X1 and X3.,
SUB x3, x1, x2 // Subtracts the value in register X2 from the value in register X1,
and store the result in register X3.
It is encoded as 0100000 rs2 rs1 000 rd 0110011
Encoding itself contains information about what registers we are operating (5bit: 00000 refers to X0, 00001 refers to X1, and so on). Let's write these example encodings in the abstract variable format Funct7 rs2 rs1 Funct3 rd Opcode7, adding the subscript of two Funct, Opcode (7,3,7) + 15 (a 3, 5-bit address for register mapping) will get 32. It shows the general Encoding pattern involved in arithmetic operations that load and store data within registers.
An arithmetic operation instruction, a 32-bit length (say bit [31,30,....0]), subfield (subfield bits) [6:0] represents 7 bits wide opcode, [11:7] 5 bits wide destination register address rd, [14:12] a 3 bits wide funct3, [19:15], [24:20] are two 5 bits wide representing the first and second source register address rd1, rd2 respectively, and [31:25] represents funct7.
Encoding Scheme In the RV32I instructions set, the encoding scheme is quite regular and it simplifies the decoding and circuit construction for the hardware designer. Let's break down the basic encoding scheme and fields in the 32-bit instructions.
Opcode Field 7 bits subfield, specifying the general category of the instruction, always resides at 7 LSBs of the instruction.
Funct3 Field 3 bits subfield, providing additional information within certain instruction categories (like differentiating between load, and store on arithmetic operations).
Funct7 Field 7 bits subfield, used for extended arithmetic operations in certain instructions.
Immediate Field subfield length varies depending on the instruction (20 bits and 12 bits subfields are the most common ones), used for specifying immediate values (constant) in immediate instructions.
Register Fields Typically two or three fields of 5 bits wide, addressing 32 general-purpose registers.
Opcode field is always assured to be present in the 7 LSBs bits of instruction, unlike Funct3, Funct7, Immediate, and Register fields
Base Instruction Formats There are totally 6 different encoding formats present in RV32I, among them, 4 are core instruction formats (R/I/S/U) in RV32I and two additional formats (B/J), let's list them here.
Instruction type | - | - | - | - | - | - |
R-type (Register Type) | Funct7 | rs2 | rs1 | Funct3 | rd | Opcode |
I-type (Immediate Type) | imm[11:0] | - | rs1 | Funct3 | rd | Opcode |
S-type (Store Type) | imm[11:5] | rs2 | rs1 | Funct3 | imm[4:0] | Opcode |
B-type (Branch Type) | imm[12\10:5] | rs2 | rs1 | Funct3 | imm[4:1\11] | Opcode |
U-type (Upper Immediate Type) | imm[31:12] | - | - | - | rd | Opcode |
J-type (Jump Type) | imm[20\10:1\11\19:12] | - | - | - | rd | Opcode |
So far, we know rs2, rs1, and rd are Register fields in the encoding scheme, where rs1, and rs2 represent the first and second source register address, and rd represents destination register address.
imm is a variable length subfield bit representing immediate constant value encoded within the instruction encoding. It is 12, 12, 12, 20, and 20 bits wide in I, S, B, U and J type instructions respectively.
As you see, placement of rs1,rs2, Funct3, Funct7 encoding in the instruction are consistent if it exists in the encoding, unlike the immediate field.
Now, we structure the irregular Immediate Field to make the learning and coding process easier. Let's list the immediate field organization in different instruction types.
Instance Type | Immediate Field Encoding format | Denote it as |
R-Type | Not present | none |
I-Type | 12 bits, sign expansion | Iimm |
S-Type | 12 bits, sign expansion (stored in two parts) | Simm |
B-Type | 12 bits, sign expansion into upper [31:1] and set 0th bit as zero | Bimm |
U-Type | 20 bits, into upper [31:12] and set 12 LSBs into zero | Uimm |
J-Type | 20 bits, sign expansion into upper [31:1] and set 0th bit as zero | Jimm |
Let's code them in Verilog to create various 32 bits of immediate constant value from immediate field of the instruction.
reg [31:0] inst; // given *RV32I* Instruction, a 32 bit instruction encoding
wire [31:0] Iimm = { {21{inst[31]}}, inst[30:20]}; // if inst is *I-type* instruction
wire [31:0] Simm = { {21{inst[31]}}, inst[30:25], inst[11:7]}; // if inst is *S-type* instruction
wire [31:0] Bimm = { {20{inst[31]}}, inst[7], inst[30:25], inst[11:8], 1'b0}; // if inst is *B-type* instruction
wire [31:0] Uimm = { inst[31:12], {12{1'b0}}}; // if inst is *U-type* instruction
wire [31:0] Jimm = { {12{inst[31]}}, inst[19:12], inst[20], inst[30:21], 1'b0}; // if inst is *J-type* instruction
// we dont have RImm, as *R-type* instruction don't have immediate field
Opcode is a 7-bit wide subfield always located on 7-bit LSBs of the instructions. In RV32I base format opcode[7:0] two LSBs are always 11, and opcode[4:2] is never equal to 111. These encoding constraints are for natural encoding extension schemes for 16, 48, 64, >=192 bits instructions sets and extensions defined by RISC-V. Note we are only looking after the RV32I base format, it does not have MUL, DIV, REM, floating arithmetic, etc...
Opcode Value | represents | meaning, instruction type | calculation | #variants |
0110111 | LUI | load up immediate, U-type | reg <- Uimm | 1 |
0010111 | AUIPC | add upper immediate to PC register,U | reg <- PC + Uimm | 1 |
1101111 | JAL | jump and link, J-type | reg <- PC+4 ; PC <- PC+Jimm | 1 |
1100111 | JALR | jump and link register, I-type | reg <- PC+4 ; PC <- reg+Iimm | 1 |
1100011 | branch | jump and branch Instructions, B-type | if(reg OP reg) PC<-PC+Bimm | 6 |
0000011 | load | load instructions, I-type | reg <- mem[reg + Iimm] | 5 |
0100011 | store | store instructions, S-type | mem[reg+Simm] <- reg | 3 |
0010011 | OP | Immediate Instructions, I-type | reg <- reg OP Iimm | 9 |
0110011 | OP | Arithmetic Instructions, R-type | reg <- reg OP reg | 10 |
0001111 | FENCE | memory-ordering for multicores | skip details now | 1 |
1110011 | system | Instructions EBREAK, ECALL | skip details now | 2 |
LUI Load upper immediate field, a U-Type instruction to load 20 bits wide constant value (as Uimm) into the rd addressed register data.
- For example, LUI X5 0x12345, it loads the 20 bits MSB of instruction encoding (i.e imm[31:12] = 0x12345) into the register X5 by X5 <- (imm << 12).
- Instruction Encoding imm31:12 rd(=&X5) 0110111.
AUIPC Add upper immediate to PC, a U-Type instruction to add 20 bits wide constant value (as Uimm) with PC value,
- For example, AUIPC X5 0x10000, it adds the 20 bits MSB of AUIPC instruction encoding (i.e imm[31:12] = 0x10000) with PC value and stores it in X5 register.
- Instruction Encoding imm31:12 rd(=&X5) 0010111
JAL: Jump and Link, a J-type instruction to add 20 bits signed offset (as Jimm) with PC register data.
- For example, JAL X6 offset, it performs X6 = PC + 4, followed by PC = PC + Jimm
- i.e it store the return address in X6, and jump into the target address with relative offset extracted as Jimm
- Instruction Encoding imm[20|10:1|11|19:12] rd(=&X6) 1101111, where offset is expanded from imm using Jimm structure.
JALR: Jump and Link Register, to add 12 bits signed offset ( as Iimm) with PC register data.
- For example, JALR X2 X1 offset, it performs X2 = PC + 4, followed by PC = X1 + Iimm
- i.e it store the return address in X2, and then jump to the relative address denoted in X1 + Iimm
- Instruction Encoding imm[11:0] rs1(=&X1) 000 rd(=&X2) 1100111, where offset is expanded from imm using Iimm structure.
Branch instructions: there are 6 variants on conditional jumps, that depends on a test on two registers. Detailed discussion provided down in this document.
Load and Store Instructions: loads based on I-type immediate constant value extraction and store based on J-type immediate constant value extraction. This immediate field acts as offset from the memory address stored in the source register.
- For example, LW X1 offset(X2), it performs loading data from the memory address pointed by X2 + offset into the register X1, more detailed explanation provided down in this document.
Immediate Instructions: arithmetic operations of I-type immediate constant value extraction and two register data. Further discussion down in this document
Arithmetic Instructions: operates 32-bit arithmetic operations (pure R-type) on register data. Further discussion down in this document.
Fence and Systems: are used to implement memory ordering in multicore systems, and system calls/ebreak respectively.
- As you gather information from the name, Fence is a primitive synchronous mechanism (you might be familiar with this concept if you already dealt with concurrent programming) that ensures safe data write and instruction fetched in and from the memory area in multiteanant or multiprocessor system.
- System ecall/ebreak instruction, on the other hand, is used for software-based system calls or to generate breakpoints in debugging scenarios. When executed, ebreak causes the processor to raise an exception, which can be handled by the operating system or a debugging environment.
- We could skip these two instructions types in this document and Verilog development. But will revisit after the successful implementation of working Von Neuman Single Core design for RV32I.
Let's look into opcode and decide opcode instruction using double equal check statement in verilog code.
wire is_alu_reg = (inst[6:0] == 7'b0110011); // rd <- rs1 OP rs2
wire is_alu_imm = (inst[6:0] == 7'b0010011); // rd <- rs1 OP Iimm
wire is_load = (inst[6:0] == 7'b0000011); // rd <- mem[rs1+Iimm]
wire is_store = (inst[6:0] == 7'b0100011); // mem[rs1+Iimm] <- rd
wire is_branch = (inst[6:0] == 7'b1100011); // if (rs1 OP rs2) PC <- PC + Bimm
wire is_jalr = (inst[6:0] == 7'b1100111); // rd <- PC+4; PC<-rs1+Iimm
wire is_jal = (inst[6:0] == 7'b1101111); // rd <- PC+4; PC <- PC+Jimm
wire is_lui = (inst[6:0] == 7'b0110111); // rd <- Uimm
wire is_auipc = (inst[6:0] == 7'b0010111); // rd <- PC + Uimm
wire is_system = (inst[6:0] == 7'b1110011); // special system call
wire is_fence = (inst[6:0] == 7'b0001111); // special memory ordering in multicore system
Opcode helps us to decide on instruction type for execution, additionally Funct3 and Funct7 will help us to choose one among existing variants in the respective instruction type.
Arithmetic R-Type Instructions Arithmetic instruction R-type, a most simplest encoding. Here R-type arithmetic instructions have 10 variants, they are
They are for addition, subtraction, shift left logical, set less than, set less than for unsigned numbers, bitwise xor, shift right logical, shift right with sign expansion, bitwise or and bitwise and operations.
As the R instruction encoding Funct7 rs2 rs1 Funct3 rd Opcode7, extracting rs1, rs2, and rd registers addresses as
wire [4:0] rs1 = inst[19:15]; // 5 bits wide first register source address
wire [4:0] rs2 = inst[24:20]; // 5 bits wide second register source address
wire [4:0] rd = inst[11:7]; // 5 bits wide register destination address
To choose one among 10 variants of arithmetic R-type instruction by gathering Funct3, Funct7 fields
wire [2:0] funct3 = inst[14:12]; // 3 bits wide funct3
wire [6:0] funct7 = inst[31:25]; // 7 bits wide funct7
Among funct3, it will help us to choose 1 among 8 instructions only. But we have 10 R-Type arithmetic instructions. The second most significant bit of funct7 will be used to decide an instruction along with funct3. Bit 5 of funct7 encodes ADD/SUB and SRA/SRL.
Let's list the arithmetic R-type instructions usage example here
ADD X3 X1 X2, adds the value in registers X1,X2 and store the result in register X3
- Instruction Encoding: 0000000 rs2(=&X2) rs1(=&X1) 000 rd(=&X3) 0110011
SUB X3 X1 X2, substracts the value in register X2 from the value in register X1 and stores in register X3
- Instruction Encoding: 0100000 rs2(=&X2) rs1(=&X1) 000 rd(=&X3) 0110011
SLL X3 X1 X2, (shift left logical) shifts the value in the register X1 left by the number of bits specified in register X2 (only 5 LSBs matters here) and stores in register X3
- Instruction Encoding: 0000000 rs2(=&X2) rs1(=&X1) 001 rd(=&X3) 0110011
SLT X3 X1 X2, (set less than) sets the register X3 to 1 if the value in register X1 is less than the value in register X2, otherwise 0
- Instruction Encoding: 0000000 rs2(=&X2) rs1(=&X1) 010 rd(=&X3) 0110011
SLTU X3 X1 X2, (set less than unsigned) sets the register X3 to 1 if the value in register X1 is less than the value in register X2, otherwise 0
- Instruction Encoding: 0000000 rs2(=&X2) rs1(=&X1) 011 rd(=&X3) 0110011
XOR X3 X1 X2, (bitwise xor) sets the register X3 the result of xor operation on the value of registers X1,X2.
- Instruction Encoding: 0000000 rs2(=&X2) rs1(=&X1) 100 rd(=&X3) 0110011
SRL X3 X1 X2, (shift right logical) shifts the value in the register X1 by the number of bits specified in register X2 (only 5 LSBs matters here) and stores in register X3, by doing right shift logical, it will fill the leading values by zero i.e zero-fill
- Instruction Encoding: 0000000 rs2(=&X2) rs1(=&X1) 101 rd(=&X3) 0110011
SRA X3 X1 X2, (shift right arithmetic) shifts the value in the register X1 by the number of bits specified in register X2 (only 5 LSBs matters here) and stores in register X3, by doing right shift arithmetic, it will fill the leading values by signed value i.e X1[31] msb of X1 value.
- Instruction Encoding: 0100000 rs2(=&X2) rs1(=&X1) 101 rd(=&X3) 0110011
OR X3 X1 X2, (bitwise or) sets the register X3 the result of or operation on the value of registers X1, X2.
- Instruction Encoding: 0000000 rs2(=&X2) rs1(=&X1) 110 rd(=&X3) 0110011
AND X3 X1 X2, (bitwise and) sets the register X3 the result of and operation on the value of registers X1, X2.
- Instruction Encoding: 0000000 rs2(=&X2) rs1(=&X1) 111 rd(=&X3) 0110011
As mentioned earlier opcode is the same for all the arithmetic R-type instruction. funct3 code is same for SRL,SRA, it is distinquished by the funct7 code, change in bit number 5. Similarly, the funct3 code is the same for ADD, SUB, it is distinguished by the funct7 code, changed in bit number 5.
So, the funct7 code is almost constant (0000000), except for two instructions (SUB, SRA with 0100000). Let's write a Verilog code to do arithmetic R-type instructions based on case endcase statement on funct3,funct7
reg [31:0] op1; // reg for fetching first source register value
reg [31:0] op2; // reg for fetching second source register value
op1 = GenRegBanks_X[rs1]; // fetching first source register value
op2 = GenRegBanks_X[rs2]; // fetching second source register value
reg [31:0] result; // local reg for storing the arithmetic R-type instruction result
3'b000: result = (funt7[5]) ? (op1 - op2) : (op1+op2); // addition or subtraction
3'b001: result = (op1 << op2[4:0]); // left shift logical
3'b010: result = ($signed(op1) < $signed(op2)); // signed less than
3'b011: result = (op1 < op2); // unsigned less than
3'b100: result = (op1 ^ op2); // bitwise xor
3'b101: result = (funct7[5]) ? ($signed(op1) >>> op2[4:0]) : (op1 >> op2[4:0]); // shift right logical or arithmetic
3'b101: result = (op1 | op2); // bitwise or
3'b111: result = (op1 & op2); // bitwise and
GenRegBanks_X[rd] <= result; // transfering the computed local result to the destination register
Arithmetic I-Type Instructions Arithmetic I-type, the second most simplest encoding. Here I-type instructions have 9 variants one less than Arithmetic R-Type, they are
It represents, addition immediate, set less than immediate, set less than immediate unsigned, xor immediate, or immediate, and immediate, shift left logical immediate, shift right logical immediate, shift right arithmetic immediate.
If you check these arithmetic immediate instruction sets (I-type) with arithmetic instruction register sets (R-type), there is no SUBI, this excluded instruction functionality is met by performing ADDI with negative Immediate value. In this way, RISC-V limits the number of instruction sets.
The I instruction has two register addresses and one immediate value. Recall extracting 12-bit immediate value from 12 MSB bits of instruction as
wire [31:0] Iimm={{21{inst[31]}}, inst[30:20]};
As you see MSB is the sign of 12 bits immediate constant, it is appropriately repeated for the signed extension of 12 bits immediate value into 32-bit value.
Here, we are not listing the arithmetic I-type instruction and verilog operations in detail, since it is almost the same procedure as arithmetic R-type instructions, The only difference is, that there is no second source register address rs2 and hence no second operand, instead, we have Iimm (a signed extension of the immediate field) as the second operand.
But wait a minute, we have 9 variants in this type, and we don't have funct7,
how exactly do we choose the correct instruction for execution by just using funct3?
Ans: Let's go back and read arithmetic I-type instructions, now we know that only
overlapping can happen for SRLI, SRAI when funct3==101. So?
Recall one more information, for doing shift operations in a 32-bit instruction register, we need only 5 LSBs of immediate field,
the remaining 7 bits can be used efficiently,
when the compiler or assembler produces such code, it uses this space
to inform the hardware to choose either SRLI or SRAI.
It is an important point to remember when creating the respective Verilog module,
as it happens to me, I spend a lot of time debugging the SRA immediate instruction (code in the subfolder RV32I_VonNeumanArch).
RISC-V has specification for this operation, if imm[10]th bit (i.e instruction 30th bit) is zero it has to perform SRLI otherwise it has to perform SRAI.
Load and Store Instructions RV32I is 32-bit address space that is byte-addressed, (i.e a 32-bit address will point to a byte memory). In RV32I, all the arithmetic instructions only operates on CPU registers(X0 to X31, PC), it never perform computation directly on the memory data. It loads data from memory, perform some computation within the registers and safely write back to the memory.
-Store S-type Instructions It has 3 variants, they are
It represents store byte, store halfword, and store word respectively.
Byte store instruction: SB rs2 Offset(rs1), target memory address computed by adding
the 12-bit signed offset value (from the immediate field in S instruction) to the
register and store theleast significant register byte from register address rs2 to the target address.
Halfword store instruction SH rs2 Offset(rs1) stores two least significant register byte from the register address rs2
to the memory address m,m+1, where m is address, computed by adding
12-bit signed offset value (from immediate field) to the value in register address rs1,
the order in which these two bytes stored in memory address m,m+1 depends on the
endian configuration.
For example in little-endian configuration, least significant register byte stored in memory m and
the second least significant register byte stored in memory m+1
Word store instruction SW rs2 Offset(rs1) stores value from register address rs2
to the memory address m,m+1,m+2,m+3, where m calcuated as before.
Verilog code snippet (for little-endieness format) will be
reg [31:0] op1; // reg for fetching first source register value
reg [31:0] op2; // reg for fetching second source register value
reg [31:0] memAddr; // reg for storing the save memory address
// Simm holds the immediate offset value
reg [7:0] RW_MEM[START_ADDRESS:START_ADDRESS+NUM_BYTE_MEM_BLOCKS-1]; // a block of read-write memory
op1 = GenRegBanks_X[rs1]; // fetching first source register value
op2 = GenRegBanks_X[rs2]; // fetching second source register value
memAddr = op2 + Simm;
RW_MEM[memAddr+0] <= op1[7:0]; // storing a least significant (LS) byte
RW_MEM[memAddr+1] <= (funct3[0]) ? op1[15:8] : RW_MEM[memAddr+1]; // based on *funct3* storing second LS byte
RW_MEM[memAddr+2] <= (funct3[1]) ? op1[23:16] : RW_MEM[memAddr+2]; // for storing a word based on *funct3*
RW_MEM[memAddr+3] <= (funct3[1]) ? op1[31:24] : RW_MEM[memAddr+3]; // for storing a word based on *funct3*
-Load I-type instructions It has 5 variants, which are
It represents load byte, load byte unsigned, load halfword,
load halfword unsigned, and load word respectively.
Byte load instruction: LB rd, Offset(rs1) loads a signed byte from memory to register address rd
with sign-extending it to fill leading bit values in the register address rd, the source memory address
is calculated by adding a 12-bit signed offset value (from immediate field in I instruction)
with value in register address rs1.
Byte unsigned load instruction: LBU rd, Offset(rs1) same as before, except, leading bits are filled with zero.
Halfword load instruction: LH rd, Offset(rs1) loading 2 bytes from memory m,m+1 into a register, sign-extending it to fill
the leading bits value in register address rd, memory address m is computed by adding Offset value with the value in register address rs1
Halfword unsigned load instruction: LHU rd Offset(rs1) same as LH except, zero-filling in the lead bits value in register address rd,
LW rd Offset(rs1) loading 4 bytes from memory m,m+1,m+2,m+3 into register address rd, m is computed as before,
here we do not have to worry about leading signed bit!
Verilog code snippet (for little-endieness format) will be
reg [31:0] op1; // reg for fetching first source register value
reg [31:0] memAddr; // reg for storing the load memory address
// Iimm holds the immediate offset value
reg [7:0] MEM[START_ADDRESS:START_ADDRESS+NUM_BYTE_MEM_BLOCKS-1]; // a block of read or read-write memory
op1 = GenRegBanks_X[rs1]; // fetching first source register value
memAddr = op1 + Iimm;
3'b000 : GenRegBanks_X[rd] <= {{24{MEM[memAddr][7]}}, MEM[memAddr]}; // for loading a byte
3'b100 : GenRegBanks_X[rd] <= {{24{1'b0}}, MEM[memAddr]}; // for loading a unsigned byte
3'b001 : GenRegBanks_X[rd] <= {{16{MEM[memAddr+1][7]}}, MEM[memAddr+1], MEM[memAddr]}; // for loading half word
3'b101 : GenRegBanks_X[rd] <= {{16{1'b0}}, MEM[memAddr+1], MEM[memAddr]}; // for loading unsigned half word
3'b010 : GenRegBanks_X[rd] <= {MEM[memAddr+3], MEM[memAddr+2], MEM[memAddr+1], MEM[memAddr]}; // for loading a full word
Jump and Branch B-type Instructions There are 6 variants of it, they are
It represents branch equal, branch not equal, branch less than, branch greater than or equal, branch less than unsinged and branch greater than or equal unsigned respectively.
Usage: BEQ X1 X2 offset
BNE X1 X2 offset
BLT X1 X2 offset
BGE X1 X2 offset
BLTU X1 X2 offset
BGEU X1 X2 offset
In all these instructions it was clear that the instruction evaluating branching is true or not based on the statement and the data values in the register X1,X2, for example if data in X1 and X2 are equal, then BEQ will execute the branching protocol, otherwise, PC increments normally and continue its execution process.
If it decides to do a branch, it first computes the target memory code address and loads it into the PC. This is done by extracting offset from immediate field (by the procedure Bimm), and adding an offset value to PC (i.e. relative branching). Note for branching, it does not want to save the return address, because it is branching not function call or interrupt protocol.
Verilog code snippet will be
reg [31:0] op1; // reg for fetching first source register value
reg [31:0] op2; // reg for fetching second source register value
// Bimm an extracted immediate field value
reg [31:0] nextPC; // reg for commputing next program counter value
// GenReg_PC is the program counter value
op1 = GenRegBanks_X[rs1]; // fetching first source register value
op2 = GenRegBanks_X[rs2]; // fetching second source register value
reg do_branch; // register for checking the branc condition
3'b000: do_branch = (op1 == op2); // branch on equal
3'b001: do_branch = (op1 != op2); // branch on not equal
3'b100: do_branch = ($signed(op1) < $signed(op2)); // branch on less than
3'b101: do_branch = ($signed(op1) >= $signed(op2)); // branch on greater than or equal to
3'b110: do_branch = (op1 < op2); // branch on less than, unsigned version
3'b111: do_branch = (op1 >= op2); // branch on greather than or equal to unsigned version
default: do_branch = 1'b0; // default, dont do branch
always @(*) begin
if (is_branch && do_branch) begin // if it is branch instruction execution and decided to do branch then
nextPC = GenReg_PC + Bimm; // always relative branch
end else begin
nextPC = GenReg_PC+4; // 32-bit instruction, need 4 bytes to move for the next instruction
We already discussed to an extent the LUI, AUIPC, JAL, and JALR. We will move to create a subfolder for each instruction type and write verilog code. Will do it in a way that will reflect the software development process instead of documentation of existing or prepared material!
// for LUI instruction
GenRegBanks_X[rd] = Uimm;
// for AUIPC
GenRegBanks_X[rd] = Uimm + GenReg_PC;
// for JAL
GenRegBanks_X[rd] = GenReg_PC + 4; // safely storing the next instruction address into the destination register address
nextPC = GenReg_PC + Jimm;
// for JALR
GenRegBanks_X[rd] = GenReg_PC + 4; // safely storing the next instruction address into the destination register address
nextPC = GenReg_PC + Iimm;
// recall the differnce, JAL for jumping 20 bit offset address
// JALR for jumping 12 bit offset address, both are relative jumping.
Winding Up We acquired that in RV32I (or any other base instruction set from RISC-V), the load and store are the only two instructions that move data between memory and processor. All other instructions are solely executed within the processor. To move ahead and implement RV32I, it is better to have an eagle view of the single-core processor and memory architecture. If we were familiar with this architecture, we could start the verilog RTL (Register Transfer Level) design for the processor.
Let's take an eagle-eye view of a single-core processor architecture in the context of the RV32I base instruction set of the RISC-V ISA, along with the memory architecture:
Processor Core:
The processor core contains components such as the instruction fetch unit (to grab the instruction from the code block), instruction decode unit, execution units (like ALU arithmetic logic unit, load/store data, branching,etc), register bank, and the control logic.
Instructions are fetched from memory, decoded, and executed within the processor core.
Memory Architecture
- The memory architecture includes different types of memory:
- Instruction Memory block: a read-only memory area, that stores the program instructions.
- Data Memory block: a read-and-write data memory area, to work on the program instructions
- Both instruction and data memories are accessed using the memory address generated by the processor.
Address and Data buses
- The processor communicates with memory address and data buses.
- The address bus carries memory addresses generated by the processor to select specific locations in memory.
- The data bus carries data between the processor and memory. Data is read from memory into the processor or written from the processor into memory.
Control Signals
- Control signals are generated by the processor to coordinate memory access (like selecting read or write data into memory, or read the instruction) and other operations.
- Control signals include read/write signals to indicate the direction of data transfer, chip select signals to select the memory device to begin accessing and other signals for synchronization and timing purposes.
It is a lot to digest, it is important to have a global computing architecture and working principle to organize our thoughts and develop organized software. For a detailed picture and discussion about processors and their architecture refer to intellectual academic journals and open-source material.
I wrote a short description about a single core Von-Neuman architecture a much simpler architecture to realize for RISC-V type instruction on the page Executing RV32I in Von-Neuman Architecture with Verilog module and test bench (Von Neuman, pronounced as F'n-Noy-mon).