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Releases: actonlang/acton


06 Mar 02:15
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tip Pre-release


  • It is now possible to compare actors with if a is b
    • This is a stop gap measure.
    • Equality comparison requires the Eq protocol and this awaits the planned
      actor / class unification work


  • Change TCPListenConnection callback on_error(c, error: str) to
    on_listen(c, error: ?str). Previously, the on_error() callback was called
    if there was an error establishing the listening connection. It is now also
    called in the positive case, when we have successfully established the
    listening connection. If the error argument is None, all went well whereas
    if it is set, there was an error.


  • Dependencies are now idempotently fetched, i.e. if we first look if we already
    have the configured hash locally and use that. We only fetch it if we don't
    have a dependency locally.
    • Previously, acton build would effectively require an Internet connection,
      which is now fixed. Like now, you can do acton fetch in a repo to fetch
      all dependencies locally and from there on you can work in "airplane mode".
  • Dependency hash mismatch is now correctly checked and treated as an error.

Testing / CI / Build

  • TCP tests have been rewritten to use the new TCPListenConnection on_listen
    callback to properly sequence the test so we first establish the server and
    then start the client. This removes a racy condition which lead to flaky test
  • Stopped testing on MacOS 12, which is EoL.


09 Nov 09:45
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  • It is now possible to compare actors with if a is b
    • This is a stop gap measure.
    • Equality comparison requires the Eq protocol and this awaits the planned
      actor / class unification work


  • Change TCPListenConnection callback on_error(c, error: str) to
    on_listen(c, error: ?str). Previously, the on_error() callback was called
    if there was an error establishing the listening connection. It is now also
    called in the positive case, when we have successfully established the
    listening connection. If the error argument is None, all went well whereas
    if it is set, there was an error.


  • Dependencies are now idempotently fetched, i.e. if we first look if we already
    have the configured hash locally and use that. We only fetch it if we don't
    have a dependency locally.
    • Previously, acton build would effectively require an Internet connection,
      which is now fixed. Like now, you can do acton fetch in a repo to fetch
      all dependencies locally and from there on you can work in "airplane mode".
  • Dependency hash mismatch is now correctly checked and treated as an error.

Testing / CI / Build

  • TCP tests have been rewritten to use the new TCPListenConnection on_listen
    callback to properly sequence the test so we first establish the server and
    then start the client. This removes a racy condition which lead to flaky test
  • Stopped testing on MacOS 12, which is EoL.


05 Nov 17:19
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Acton now supports package dependencies and has a package manager to work with
these, fetching and building them. There are new docs at
It's now possible to write Acton low level code in Zig, in addition to C.


  • New docs:
    • Starting point was the Acton-by-Example and it's been improved from there
      with new content and updates of existing pages
    • New top level structure making it easier to navigate
    • Includes a guide on how to integrate a C library
  • Package management!
    • Acton now supports adding dependencies on other packages, either in a local
      path or to be downloaded from the Internet.
    • New commands, acton pkg add etc to manage dependencies, see for more
    • This largely relies on the Zig package manager and the Zig build system
    • It is also possible to add a Zig package dependency in an Acton project in
      order to enable the integration with Zig / C / C++ libraries
  • Lots of improvements around the build system
    • Upgrade to Zig v0.13
    • Avoid anonymousDependency which is deprecated in newer Zig versions
    • Materialize build.zig on disk, to allow customization, like adding
    • Send deps as zig CLI arguments instead of hacking builder imports
    • Remove old extra headers, now included in Zig 0.13
  • Add any() and all() - does what it sounds like
    • These were previously removed due to a bug but are now brought back
  • json.encode() now has a pretty option to enable pretty printing
  • file.ReadFile() & file.WriteFile() now support taking an advisory lock on
    Linux and MacOS
  • acton now takes a project lock before compiling to avoid races
  • Revamped zig build caching, separating the local and global cache
    • Only the local one is automatically periodically cleaned
  • Add support for writing Acton modules in Zig
    • It is now possible to write functions in Zig, thus making the entire Zig
      ecosystem potentially reachable with ease
  • Add new base64 module to stdlib
    • It is built on the Zig stdlib base64 functions
  • Allow naming overlap in hierarchical modules
    • It is now possible to have a module foo (src/foo.act) and a
      (src/foo/bar.act), which would previously conflict and yield a compilation
  • Fixed scope extension to handle accessing variables in else defined in try
  • Fixed CPS'ed init so we can correctly instantiate actors in class init
  • Fixed passing function with mut effect to actor
    • The actor seal leak detection would incorrectly trigger. We need a better
      detector, until then the check is removed.
  • Fix returning fixed size integer
    • The recent unboxing code misbehaved in some situations when trying to return
      a fixed size integer from a function
  • Fix assert(Not)Equal
    • Now actually works for None values, would previously only compare the values
      if they were not-None
  • Fix qualified name checking, so we can properly detect method invocation via
    class name even for imported classes
    • This was an issue when importing a module and trying to call a @staticmethod
      on a class
  • Improved source location error messages
  • Upgraded to Haskell GHC 9.6.6


  • Add remote_close callback to TCPConnection / TCPListenConnection &
  • Use OSError instead of RuntimeError for general exceptions in the file
    module functions and classes
  • argparse --help now shows help for the most specific cmd
  • Remove worked thread CPU affinity to get compile speedup
    • This is primarily as a workaround for slow Zig builds. For acton build we
      run the acton compiler actonc and eventually zig build. Zig gets the
      number of parallel worker threads to run by inspecting its affinity. When
      started by Acton, it inherits the affinity of the worker thread that started
    • CPU affinity is probably a win for server workloads, so this is a
      regression, but for desktop apps, it likely workb setter not pinning to CPU

Testing / CI / Build

  • Stopped building the vendored libraries we ship, they are now shipped as
    source and compiled on demand
  • Force hermetic build on MacOS
    • Avoids pulling in system libraries
  • Simplify actondb build
  • Add dependabot config for updating GitHub Actions workflows
  • Add test on macos-15
  • Test other Acton apps in main Acton repo CI


13 Aug 10:44
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  • More unboxing of fixed size integers
    • Function local variables are unboxed
    • Passing fixed size integers as arguments between functions is also unboxed
    • This adds an extra pass to the compiler to handle boxing and unboxing
    • For some programs, the code is now pretty much optimal
      • For example, the C code generated from test/perf/src/dct.act looks
        pretty much as one would write it by hand and thus runs at about the
        "speed of C". It does 0 mallocs and runs about 20x faster than before
        unboxing (depending a bit on computer).
    • class and actor attributes are still boxed
      • This is likely the most important future work around unboxing since
        individual mallocs for class & actor attributes typically account for a
        the lion's share of GC pressure
      • It is challenging around generics though
  • New Set.update() method to add items to a set from an iterable, such as a
    list or another set
  • Added --module argument to acton test to select module to test
    • For example, acton test --module foo to only run tests in module foo
  • Improved printing of test results for test modules that crashed
    • The error is now printed for each individual test in the test module
  • Added list.index(val, start=0, stop: ?int) to get the first index of an
    element in a list. It can be constrained through the start and stop


  • re.match() now returns Match object where the group is list[?str]. It
    used to be list[str] but it is possible to have groups that do not match on
    anything and so ?str is the correct type. This applies both for named groups
    and normal numbered groups.
    • For example, consider foo((123)|bar) which matches either foo123 or
      foobar. The inner (123) group is ORed and so it will have no match for
      foobar, thus we get the result = ["foobar", "bar", None]
  • set.pop() now throws ValueError for an empty set


  • Fixed tuple type inference
    • Tuples with named fields can now be properly type inferred
  • acton test perf now limits concurrency to 1 to get better results
  • Fix str.strip() on empty strings, it would previously return \n but now
    returns an empty string as it should
  • Fixes crash in re.match() for groups with no matches, which previously
    resulted in SEGFAULT
    • For example, consider foo((123)|bar) which matches either foo123 or
      foobar. The inner (123) group is ORed and so it will have no match for
      foobar, thus we get the result = ["foobar", "bar", None]
      • This would previously crash but we now properly check the result values
  • Fix str slicing when range is 0 length which would previously SIGILL
    • For example, for a = "foobar" if we would try to access a[23:], there is
      no character 23 and so the length of the slice is 0 which would trigger a
      SIGILL when compiled in --dev mode (which comes with lots of extra
  • Fix dict corruption issue when deleting items #1805
  • set.pop() now does not crash for an empty list (it threw NULL before)
  • Fix decoding of buffered test output

Testing / CI

  • Added performance test to CI
    • This runs on a dedicated computer, a laptop in Kristian's rack at home
    • Runs acton test perf in test/perf which currently only includes the
      dct program
      • Simply add more test programs to the test/perf project to have them run
    • The testing procedure is as follow:
      • The CI test checks out the tests from the feature branch, so it will
        always be the latest version of the test itself
      • The latest tip release from acton main branch is installed and used to
        compile the test/perf project
      • acton test perf --record is used to run the test and record the result,
        which will act as the baseline
      • The acton release from the local feature branch is then installed (fetched
        as artifact from the build-debs job)
      • acton test perf is now run, which will run with the latest version and
        compare the results against the baseline
      • We do not currently inspect the results to give a pass / fail score,
        they're just printed in the CI output for a human to look at
      • Natural variance seems to hover around +-5%, which feels OK
  • Revamp PR testing to run on small set of platforms and run a nightly scheduled
    test job that includes all platforms that were previously in the PR jobs
    • This was triggered by the number of platforms reaching a higher number which
      in turn has led to more cached data and as the GitHub Actions runner cache
      is limited to 10GB, we hit the limit and got churn which meant that there
      were always slow jobs. By reducing the number of PR jobs, they can continue
      to run cached whereas the nightly jobs can run without a cache.
  • Stop CI testing on MacOS 11 as it has been deprecated by Github
  • Start CI testing on Ubuntu 24.04
  • Stop CI testing on Ubuntu 23.04 and 23.10 as they are EoL
  • Temporary fix of building Acton by using our own mirror for the Zig tar ball.
    We are using a particular nightly v0.12.0 build that is no longer available
    for download from and so we now mirror it ourselves. This affects
    both builds in CI and local builds.
  • Fix GitHub Actions to run on Ubuntu 18.04
    • The artifact download action uses Node.JS to run and as GitHub has imposed
      constraints and new defaults, this has been magically updated to use a newer
      version of Node.JS than before. The newer Node version is compiled using
      glibc 2.28 and that's too new for Ubuntu 18.04, so the end result is that
      you basically can't use the common GitHub Actions with Ubuntu 18.04 or
      similar older distros. What a weird way to treat your CI users by GitHub!?
      Anyhow, we work around this by explicitly enabling the use of the old Node
  • Add caching for test-external-projects of C object files & archives


14 Apr 11:31
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Support for Windows and continued improvements for acton test! Internally the
biggest change is the removal of link time redirection of malloc, which opens up
for more flexible memory management.


  • Acton programs now run on Windows!
    • It is now possible to compile Acton programs for Windows, both x86_64 and
      aarch64, although since Acton itself (compiler etc) is not available on
      Windows, only cross-compilation from MacOS or Linux is possible.
    • Use acton --target aarch64-windows-gnu examples/helloworld.act to produce
      examples/helloworld.exe which can be run on Windows
    • Acton applications compiled for Windows are single threaded
    • termios related terminal settings, is not supported on Windows
  • Acton RTS now supports actor cleanup through GC finalization
    • Define a action def __cleanup__(): action on your actor and it will be run
      when the actor is about to be garbage collected
  • acton build now builds dependencies in deps/ before building the main
  • acton test now excludes the time spent in GC from test times
    • This is probably somewhat approximate and not super accurate, in particular
      for tests with very short test durations
  • acton test perf is now expanded and support all kinds of tests (previously
    only unit tests were supported)
    • some memory usage is printed alongside timing information
    • GC is run explicitly during perf test to get better memory usage stats but
      it also slows things down a bit, in particular for very short duration tests
  • acton test perf --record can save a performance snapshot to disk
    • Subsequent invocations of acton test perf will back the data from disk and
      display a comparison with percentage diff
  • AbE: testing documentation is much improved!
  • acton --only-build performs only the low level build from .C source,
    skipping compilation of .act files. This can be used if you want to modify the
    C source by hand and still leverage the low level builder to perform the build.
  • file.FS.cwd() to get current working directory
  • file.join_path() to join path components
  • Link time redirection of malloc & friends is now removed. All malloc calls are
    instead explicit, either directly to GC_MALLOC or via acton_malloc which
    is our own malloc function which is runtime reconfigurable. While there is no
    usage of malloc directly from our code, it is now possible to do manual
    memory management mixed with GC managed memory.
    • As before, module constants are placed in the regular heap, so that the GC
      does not have to scan it.
    • Many string formatting functions have been reshaped since asprintf does an
      implicit malloc, which we must either free or avoid. As a result, we now
      copy less data around, which speeds things up.
  • process.Process now takes an optional timeout argument to stop the process
  • New process.RunProcess that waits for a process to exit and then reports to
    a callback with the buffered output from stdout / stderr
    • This can provide a simpler interface than process.Process if you just want
      to wait for the process to finish running before starting to parse its
      output as you'll get a single invokation and the full output rather than
      receive it piecemeal
  • Add .unix_s() .unix_ms() .unix_us() .unix_ns() to time.Instant
    • To get a Unix timestamp (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00), as seconds,
      milliseconds, microseconds or nanoseconds respectively
  • env.is_tty() to check if stdout is a TTY
  • acton.rts.start_gc_performance_measurement() to start a GC perf measurement
  • acton.rts.get_gc_time() to get the GC timings
  • env.is_tty() to check if stdout is a TTY
  • env.set_stdin(canonical: bool, echo: bool) to set stdin options
    • canonical is the default mode which is line buffered where the OS /
      terminal offers line editing capabilities and we only receive the input ones
      carriage return is hit
    • setting env.set_stdin(canonical=False) turns stdin into non-canonical mode
      where each character as entered is immediately forwarded to the stdin
      callback so we can react to it, great for interactive applications!
    • echo enables (the default) or disables echoing of characters
  • term improvements:
    • More grey shades
    • term.clear && to clear and move cursor to top
  • http.Client.close() to explicitly close a connection
  • Single threaded RTS mode, only used by Windows for now


  • The work dir and environment arguments of process.Process have been moved to
    the end as they are optional, making it possible to invoke with fewer args
  • Tests run by acton test are now compiled with --dev and thus have C
    asserts enabled, similarly the test.hs that drives the test in the Acton repo
    now compile with --dev to get C asserts
  • acton test now runs test for at least 50ms
  • acton test perf now runs test for at least 1s
  • Rename --only-act to --skip-build
  • Acton build cache now uses up to 15GB instead of 5GB


  • actonc no longer supports --no-zigbuild / --zigbuild (it's now the
    default/only choice). It hasn't been tested in quite some time now and the zig
    build system works well enough that there is basically no reason to keep the
    old system around.
  • actonc no longer accepts --cc since we now always build using the zig
    build system which implies the clang version that Zig ships.
  • actonc no longer supports explicit --stub compilation, use --auto-stub


  • key argument in KeyError(key) is now of type value, not list[None]
    which it was previously incorrect inferred as
  • file.WriteFile.write() now truncates file to avoid leftover tail of old
  • time.Stopwatch().reset() now works
  • Test crashes are now handled
    • If the test program (e.g. ._test_foo) crashes from an assert or similar,
      the top test runner now captures this and reflects it in the output
  • Correct dependency path computation in builder
  • Makefile now more idempotent to avoid building when nothing has changed

Testing / CI

  • Test on MacOS 14 on Apple M1 / arm64 / aarch64
  • Many tests are now repeatedly 100 times to give some idea of stability


13 Mar 23:17
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  • acton test testing has been revamped, now doing multiple test iterations
    • each test will be run for at least 1ms, for many smaller unit tests this
      means the test case run hundreds of times
    • all the internals have been rewritten to handle multiple tests results from
      a test
    • running multiple test iterations gives better performance measurement but
      can also show flakiness in tests
  • acton test list will list all the test names in a project
  • acton test --name foo --name bar will filter to only run tests named foo
    and bar in a project
  • AbE: explain testing with acton test
  • New methods to interact with environment variables [#1723]
    • getenv & getenvb to read an environment variable
    • setenv & setenvb to set an environment variable
    • unsetenv & unsetenvb to set an environment variable
    • The first set of functions work with strings and attempt to automatically
      detect the encoding, although utf-8 is the only supported encoding by Acton
      right now.
    • The functions ending with b work with bytes data which can be used for
      explicit control over encoding.
  • env.stdin_install now supports both str and bytes [#1723]
    • It was orignally built to work with str which meant it decoded data from
      stdin automatically. This assumed utf-8 encoding.
    • env.stdin_install was then changed so the callback would get bytes,
      which is technically more correct (it could just be bytes!) but leaves it to
      the application programmer to decode data.
    • A new interface now offers the best of both worlds:
      • env.stdin_install(on_stdin, encoding, on_stdin_bytes)
      • by specifying env.stdin_install(on_stdin=my_cb), my_cb will be called
        and get str input. The encoding is detected by reading the LANG
        environment variable or defaults to utf-8. It is possible to explicitly
        specify the encoding with the encoding argument.
      • Use env.stdin_install(on_stdin_bytes=my_cb) to instead receive bytes
  • Acton now always compiles everything from source
    • Previously, pre-compiled binary libraries were shipped for the native
      target, so on x86_64-linux, there was a libActon.a compiled for x86_64-linux
    • Now we just ship the source code of Acton base etc and perform the full C
      compilation when we actually run actonc
    • The first invokations of acton build is slow, taking up to a few minutes,
      but as all results are cached, subsequent invokations run in fractions of a
    • ~/.cache/acton is used to store the cache and it is wiped if it reaches
      5GB after which it will be automatically re-populated when the next acton build is called
  • Low level compiler support for dependencies
    • Place Acton project dependencies in the deps/ folder and the compiler will
      automatically find them to allow inclusion of Acton modules from other Acton
    • This implements the low level internal support for finding modules in other
      projects and correctly linking together the final output
    • There is NO support for managing the dependency download itself or even
      compiling the dependency
  • SIGABRT is now automatically handled by the crash handler for automatic
    backtrace printing or interactive debugging, just like we already manage
    • This simplifies debugging of Acton itself after catastrophic crashes
  • file module now has methods to interact with file system, like listing
    files, making directories, stating files, removing files and walking directory
  • file.FS.exepath() returns the path to the current executable
  • acton now finds actonc by looking at its own location rather than assuming
    actonc is on the path
  • Add --only-act to only perform Acton compilation and skip C compilation


  • acton test will compile test functions in dev mode to get asserts
  • The dev and rel folders have been removed, e.g. out/rel/bin -> out/bin
  • Printing of compiler pass debug output from individual files, like acton src/foo.act --types will now only print output from the specified name and
    not dependencies
    • Previously, dependent modules, like if src/foo.act imports bar, we would
      also print the types debug output for the bar module
    • Printing of compiler pass debug output requires recompiling the module and
      thus shortcutting the up-to-date check. By not printing output for included
      modules, the included modules do not need to be recompiled thus speeding up
      the whole compilation.
  • Always link in libprotobuf-c to allow modules to use protobuf tech
  • Improved argparse parsing by doing a descent first parsing of options and into
    sub-commands with positional argument parsing happening as a second pass


  • acton new foo now creates a new project foo
  • Fixed handling of failing tests in acton test [#1709]
  • Fixed required since self is now parsed as a kwd param [#1715]
  • Upgrade GC
    • Now ignoring free(). This was also previously the case but this was lost
      when we upstreamed the new build.zig for bdwgc. It is now back, which is
      required for handling the "edge", like where syscall / libc calls do malloc
      and then free. uv_fs_scandir is an example of such, which was recently added
      and triggered a bug.
    • Incremental collection has been fixed on Linux so that it should work,
      although it is not supported by the Acton RTS. Incremental collection is
      likely much slower for most programs but with better responsiveness. It
      could potentially be better for very large heaps as well as overhead of
      virtual dirty bit now only hits from a very small heap. It remains to be
  • testing.test_runner has been fixed with regards to scheduling, now we
    actually wait for a test kind to be completed before proceeding to the next.
    Previously for async tests we would spawn all tests immediately and then
    proceed to next test category, so we would oversubscribe the tests runners
    giving worse performance.
  • Various fixes to test output, like count of tess was wrong
  • numpy now compiles and runs. There are new tests cases!

Testing / CI

  • Tests, like of builtins etc, now run with --dev so we get assertions


22 Feb 15:01
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  • Install acton frontend in Debian package


22 Feb 12:39
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  • New acton CLI which takes over as the main acton program, it should be
    called instead of actonc, for example acton build [#1645]
    • it calls into actonc for doing most of the work and is currently mostly
      just a thin wrapper
    • over time, more functionality will be placed in the acton frontend
  • New acton test command which build and runs all test in a project [#1645]
  • The compiler now does automatic test discovery
    • Simply doing import testing and functions with a name starting with
      _test will be identified as a test and run by acton test. The functions
      are sorted into categories based on their type signature.
  • Run-time reconfigurable malloc
    • It is now possible to reconfigure which malloc to use during runtime
    • All external libraries (libuv for example) are now configured to use a
      particular malloc
    • Libraries that did not support a custom alloc have now been extended with
      support for custom malloc.
  • Module constants are placed in non-GC heap
    • Using the reconfigurable malloc, we now make use of the "real" malloc (the
      one libc provides) during startup of RTS and up past module init. This means
      all module constants will be placed on the normal heap and not the GC heap.
    • The GC is mark & sweep which means it slows down considerably when there is
      a large live heap.
    • This makes is a viable option to place large amounts of data as module
      constants instead of run time state to speed up programs.
  • Fixed size integers arithmetic and comparisons are now unboxed
    • For math heavy programs, this can produce a 4x improvement
    • A lot of witnesses are now unnecessary and thus removed, reducing GC pressure
  • testing module has gotten a face lift with much better asserts
    • The assert exceptions now include and print the values
    • Formatting happens in __str__ so performance of exceptions is unchanged
  • New snappy module in stdlib [#1655]
    • Snappy is a fast compression library
    • Snappy is written in C++ which implied some changes to build.zig and actonc
  • It is now possible to print a .ty file by doing: acton foo.ty
  • Improved size & performance of dictionaries
    • An empty dictionary is now completely empty
    • For low number of elements, the dictionary is actually a list with linear
    • For 5 elements and up, the dict starts to use a hashtable
  • KeyError & IndexError now include key / index so it's easier to
    understand what went wrong


  • The Debian package of Acton now depends on libc 2.27 [#1645]
    • Previously depended on the glibc installed on the the build machine (2.36)
      since it was expanded from ${shlibs:Depends}
  • Now using Zig 0.12.0-dev.2236
    • the build system has changed somewhat so all build.zig files are updated
  • DB backend is now optional, include with acton build --db
  • Using newer version of tlsuv library
  • RTS main thread now runs special actors, currently just Env
    • This enables us to install signal handlers from Env since this must be
      done from a programs main thread.


  • dict changed internally to allow storing of None
  • Support None in JSON
    • Based on the improved support of dicts
  • lstrip, rstrip & setdefault now work properly
  • Fix effect of json.encode() and json.decode() [#1654]
    • They are pure!
  • Fix testing.test_runner when there are 0 tests to run [#]
  • Add tests of client & server in http module
  • argparse module now supports nested command parsing
  • argparse module now supports -- for literal interpretation of positional
  • Fix compilation of projects that used TLS
    • We had missed linking in all necessary mbedtls libraries


15 Jan 11:49
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  • argparse now supports optional positional arguments
    • like so: p.add_arg("foo", "Foo thing", required=False, nargs="?")
  • print() now takes multiple new input arguments:
    • print(*vals, sep=" ", end="", stderr=False, flush=False)
    • sep is the separation character between values, default " "
    • end is the line ending character, default "\n"
    • Output is written to stdout per default, set stderr=True to write to
      stderr instead
    • set flush=True to flush the output
  • new --rts-bt-debug flag that launches interactive debugger (gdb) on


  • print() now formats to a temporary buffer before printing to reduce
    interleaving multiple outputs
  • printn() has been removed in preference of using print(foo, end="")


  • KeyError now includes the key as part of the error message
    • e.g. KeyError: getitem: key not in dictionary, key: foobar
    • The string formatting of the error message including the key only happens
      when the str representation of the exception is necessary, so it does not
      incur a performance penalty in normal scenarios
    • The key for which the lookup was attempted is stored in the key attribute
  • Homebrew Formula now somewhat decoupled from Stack version [#1627]
    • Idiomatic Homebrew Formulas use system-ghc, i.e. a GHC version installed by
      Homebrew itself and not from Stack. Since we specify a Stack LTS resolver,
      which is a coupled to a particular version of GHC, there is room for a
      version mismatch.
    • The latest occurrence of which was GHC 9.4.8 in Homebrew vs Stack LTS 21.13
      with GHC 9.4.7. A rather silly small mismatch but that nonetheless breaks
      the Homebrew build. This is particularly annoying because it happens only
      after we've made a release, so the feedback is too late and thus a
      correction version must be released to fix the version mismatch (we've
      upgraded to LTS 21.25 with GHC 9.4.8 to align on Homebrew).
    • Now skip-ghc-check is used to skip the GHC version check to allow some
      minor mismatch to happen. We must still ensure that at least the major
      version of GHC is aligned, like GHC 9.4.


09 Jan 01:20
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  • Upgraded Stack to 21.25 / GHC 9.4.8
    • This should hopefully fix the Homebrew build