Hackathon project for Blochacks2018
As a team consisting of mostly 1st and 2nd generation immigrants, the refugee crisis happening in various regions across the globe is something we hold at heart. Compatriot allows users to create a direct relationship with individuals, groups and organizations of refugees to strengthen their personal bonds with them. Donors can create a Compatriot account to have access to full posts and stories and can send supportive messages and donate for causes of their choosing. Urgent community refugee cases will be written by representative volunteers and will be given priority on the main page. Refugees have the option of creating a page with their personal stories.
The landing page is separated into 3 sections:
- Slogan and shortcuts: showcases our reasoning and purpose behind making the website.
- "Most in Need" slideshow: features the cases that need the most attention.
- Stories: features all the stories based on date.
There are 2 types of profiles:
Donor: This profile is made to support refugees by either monetary donations or by helping the case gain more popularity through the "support" function.
Migrant: This profile is for migrants to display their stories and what they need help with.
Personal profile view:
Non-Donor view:
Note: Both types of account can modify their profile pictures and posts.
An interface for newcomers to join the community and for users to reconnect.
Clone repository and cd
into it.
Run the following:
$ mongod
And leave it open in its own terminal.
In another terminal, run:
$ npm install && npm start
In your browser, open localhost:3005