A Swift client for SignalR. Supports hubs and persistent connections.
I have published a sample SignalR server at http://swiftr.azurewebsites.net. The iOS demo application now uses this server. See SwiftRChat for the souce code. It's based on this, with some minor changes:
It's a wrapper around the SignalR JavaScript client running in a hidden web view. As such, it's subject to the same limitations of that client -- namely, no support for custom headers when using WebSockets. This is because the browser's WebSocket client does not support custom headers.
Either, your choice. Note that since WKWebView runs in a separate process, it does not have access to cookies in NSHTTPCookieStorage. If you need cookies, use UIWebView. SwiftR uses UIWebView by default, but you can choose WKWebView instead:
// Client
let connection = SignalR("https://swiftr.azurewebsites.net")
connection.useWKWebView = true
Also when using WKWebView, make sure to enable CORS on your server:
// Server
app.UseCors (CorsOptions.AllowAll);
// See my SignalRApplication repo for a CORS example with ASP.NET Core.
If allowing all origins (*
) is not acceptable, you can specify an allowed origin via the originUrlString
connection.originUrlString = "http://www.example.com"
SwiftR supports SignalR version 2.x. Version 2.2.2 is assumed by default. To change the SignalR version:
let connection = SignalR("https://swiftr.azurewebsites.net")
connection.signalRVersion = .v2_2_2
//connection.signalRVersion = .v2_2_1
//connection.signalRVersion = .v2_2_0
//connection.signalRVersion = .v2_1_2
//connection.signalRVersion = .v2_1_1
//connection.signalRVersion = .v2_1_0
//connection.signalRVersion = .v2_0_3
//connection.signalRVersion = .v2_0_2
//connection.signalRVersion = .v2_0_1
//connection.signalRVersion = .v2_0_0
pod 'SwiftR'
github 'adamhartford/SwiftR'
See https://github.com/adamhartford/SignalRDemo for a sample self-hosted SignalR application. Or, https://github.com/adamhartford/SignalRApplication for an ASP.NET 5 version.
// Server
public class SimpleHub : Hub
public void SendSimple(string message, string detail)
Clients.All.notifySimple (message, detail);
Default parameter names in callback response:
// Client
let connection = SignalR("http://localhost:5000")
let simpleHub = Hub("simpleHub")
simpleHub.on("notifySimple") { args in
let message = args![0] as! String
let detail = args![1] as! String
print("Message: \(message)\nDetail: \(detail)")
// Invoke server method
simpleHub.invoke("sendSimple", arguments: ["Simple Test", "This is a simple message"])
// Invoke server method and handle response
simpleHub.invoke("sendSimple", arguments: ["Simple Test", "This is a simple message"]) { (result, error) in
if let e = error {
print("Error: \(e)")
} else {
if let r = result {
print("Result: \(r)")
// Server
public class ComplexMessage
public int MessageId { get; set; }
public string Message { get; set; }
public string Detail { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<String> Items { get; set; }
// Server
public class ComplexHub : Hub
public void SendComplex(ComplexMessage message)
Clients.All.notifyComplex (message);
// Client
let connection = SignalR("http://localhost:5000")
let complexHub = Hub("complexHub")
complexHub.on("notifyComplex") { args in
let m: AnyObject = args![0] as AnyObject!
let message = [
"messageId": 1,
"message": "Complex Test",
"detail": "This is a complex message",
"items": ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
// Invoke server method
complexHub.invoke("sendComplex", parameters: [message])
// Server
app.MapSignalR<MyConnection> ("/echo");
public class MyConnection : PersistentConnection
protected override Task OnReceived(IRequest request, string connectionId, string data)
return Connection.Broadcast(data);
// Client
let persistentConnection = SignalR("http://localhost:8080/echo", connectionType: .persistent)
persistentConnection.received = { data in
// Send data
persistentConnection.send("Persistent Connection Test")
By default, SignalR will choose the best transport available to you. You can also specify the transport method:
let connection = SignalR("https://swiftr.azurewebsites.net")
connection.transport = .auto // This is the default
connection.transport = .webSockets
connection.transport = .serverSentEvents
connection.transport = .foreverFrame
connection.transport = .longPolling
SwiftR exposes the following SignalR events:
let connection = SignalR("http://swiftr.azurewebsites.net")
connection.started = { print("started") }
connection.connected = { print("connected: \(connection.connectionID)") }
connection.connectionSlow = { print("connectionSlow") }
connection.reconnecting = { print("reconnecting") }
connection.reconnected = { print("reconnected") }
connection.disconnected = { print("disconnected") }
You may find it necessary to try reconnecting manually once disconnected. Here's an example of how to do that:
connection.disconnected = {
// Try again after 5 seconds
let delayTime = DispatchTime.now() + .seconds(5)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: delayTime) { [weak self] in
Use the stop()
and start()
methods to manage connections manually.
let connection = SignalR("https://swiftr.azurewebsites.net")
if connection.state == .connected {
} else if connection.state == .disonnected {
public enum State {
case connecting
case connected
case disconnected
let connection = SignalR("https://swiftr.azurewebsites.net")
connection.queryString = ["foo": "bar"]
let connection = SignalR("https://swiftr.azurewebsites.net")
connection.headers = ["X-MyHeader1": "Value1", "X-MyHeader2", "Value2"]
SwiftR will send any cookies in your app's NSHTTPCookieStorage to SignalR. You can also set cookies manually:
let cookieProperties = [
NSHTTPCookieName: "Foo",
NSHTTPCookieValue: "Bar",
NSHTTPCookieDomain: "myserver.com",
NSHTTPCookiePath: "/",
let cookie = NSHTTPCookie(properties: cookieProperties)
connection.error = { error in
print("Error: \(error)")
if let source = error?["source"] as? String, source == "TimeoutException" {
print("Connection timed out. Restarting...")
SwiftR is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.