Vagrant ENV: Ubuntu 18.04 with latest virtualbox, vagrant, ansible installed
NOTE: vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant up
Change consul and nomad versions to latest (sep 2018)
$ grep version ansible-role-consul/defaults/main.yml
consul_version: 1.3.0
consul_webui_version: 1.3.0
$ grep version ansible-role-nomad/defaults/main.yml
nomad_version: 0.8.6
$ ansible-playbook -i ./inventory playbook.yml
for node2-3 : sudo usermod -aG docker vagrant ; exit;
nomad run redis.nomad
nomad run flask.nomad
nomad run nginx.nomad
check nomad status
nomad status
nomad node status
nomad nomad server members
nomad status redis
[vagrant@node-2 vagrant]$ nomad server members
Name Address Port Status Leader Protocol Build Datacenter Region 4648 alive true 2 0.8.6 dc1 global
[vagrant@node-3 jobs]$ nomad node status
ID DC Name Class Drain Eligibility Status
4ed78222 dc1 node3 <none> false eligible ready
8b9fbcc4 dc1 node2 <none> false eligible read
[vagrant@node-3 jobs]$ echo 'PING' | nc global-redis-check.service.consul 6379
[vagrant@node-3 jobs]$ curl global-flask-check.service.consul:5000
Hello World! I have been seen 3 times
[vagrant@node-3 jobs]$ curl global-nginx-check.service.consul
Hello World! I have been seen 4 times.
- Setup a 3 nodes (1 server, 2 clients) hashicorp nomad container orchestrator
- Run all on your prefered cloud provider via ansible
- Master/client nomad host: master will take care of electing cluster leader, planning and rescheduling nomad jobs. While client will report node status to the master and look for jobs to run, and then run container
- Consul: service discovery. Nomad will record nodes, services in this database. Consul is replicated and present on all nodes so nomad agents always have access to this data locally
- dnsmasq: a kind of proxy for dns resolution, route *.consul query to consul, and other query to localhost then internet
- Ansible: recipe will provide easy deployment of the solution
- Ansible
- A cloud infra providing centos hosts
Clone this repo
git clone
Please deploy 3 standard Centos hosts (nomad-server1, nomad-client1, nomad-client2) on your prefered cloud provider.
Edit ansible inventory with your ips and ssh access key:
nano inventory
Deploy consul, docker, dnsmasq & nomad
Run few times until you got no more errors)
ansible-playbook playbook.yml
Consul: you can view consul UI on http://a_node_ip:8500/ Here are registered nomad clients and consul itself.
Dnsmask will help redirect dns queries to *.consul Ssh connect to a node and try some dsn query:
ping node1.node.consul.
ping node2.node.consul.
ping consul.service.consul.
We will deploy here a very simple application:
- One nginx which redirect 80 --> flask app on 5000
- Flask app, which records in a redis database a number of view
- A redis database, on port 6379
Each of these components exposes a service, registered and avalaible for query in consul.
Copy nomad jobs to a client node and connect to it:
scp -r -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_sbexx jobs/* root@client_node_ip:/root/
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_sbexx jobs root@client_node_ip
nomad run redis.nomad
nomad run flask.nomad
nomad run nginx.nomad
Test services
echo 'PING' | nc global-redis-check.service.consul 6379
curl global-flask-check.service.consul:5000
curl global-nginx-check.service.consul
check nomad status
nomad status
nomad node status
nomad nomad server members
nomad status redis
nomad alloc-status <alloc-id>
Delete nomad job
nomad stop redis
If you wish to lower the GC interval permanently for jobs, you can use the job_gc_threshold configuration parameter within the server config stanza.
curl -X PUT http://localhost:4646/v1/system/gc