: Write and build a simple docker container able to make calls to vault server and parses the following values: AWS_KEY, AWS_PASS, SAT_ID, ENCR_KEY. Values are located in Vault KV secrete engine with path: local/esdata. We should be able to run the container with arguments from shell and returned result to be requested value. We should be able to get all values at once or values one by one. -
GitLab CI/CD pipeline
: Use this container in the Gitlab CI pipeline with pipeline stages: Build docker image -> Push docker image to GitLab Docker Registry-> Get credentials values from Vault -> Passing credential values to another stage.
Note: Send credential to another stage in the same ci pipeline is done via GitLab artifacts. Explanation: The environment variables created during jobs are lost when the job finished, so I would recommend saving our variables to files that can be collected by the GitLab Runner via the artifacts .gitlab-ci.yml attribute. The artifacts from all jobs will then be available to the job(s) in our next stage(s).
$ cd gitlab-ansible
$ ansible-playbook -i ./inventory.ini gitlab.yml
# curl -LJO "https://gitlab-runner-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/latest/deb/gitlab-runner_amd64.deb"
# dpkg -i gitlab-runner_amd64.deb
# cp gitlab-runner/config.toml /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml
# systemctl restart gitlab-runner
### Install/Setup Vault server
# curl -fsSL https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
# apt-add-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com focal main"
# apt-get update && apt-get install vault
# systemctl start vault
$ vault operator init
Unseal Key 1: b8P+huX0Vg8pEJeyJl+oeDPyhpy6QfhXsvMx6rPFHKaT
Unseal Key 2: fYAydRBmZIFO4V/QXe4YBZ6ow3L2MqK6tbB+SGBBA1Px
Unseal Key 3: QggzBeKmJJAU7vignPA9emKFppD7Sov8VWUc8g7kytr3
Unseal Key 4: SRTc/JCxVZ9M9jYwTOrAHhbM6ehHtpQ9WU8/rITfemXI
Unseal Key 5: B24sVrIpnaea2FJEB4NISisNtTYUYoi1S5MFJpmL5W0W
Initial Root Token: hvs.mSX4zcy6M7suKKnnSguIg5j6
### Unseal Vault (We need to use three of these Unseal Keys to unseal Vault)
$ vault operator unseal
$ vault operator unseal
$ vault operator unseal
### Create secrets
$ vault login
$ vault secrets enable -path=local kv
Success! Enabled the kv secrets engine at: local/
$ vault write local/esdata AWS_KEY="AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE" AWS_PASS="wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY" SAT_ID="22" ENCR_KEY="qwerty123"
Success! Data written to: local/esdata
$ vault secrets list -detailed
$ vault kv get -field=AWS_KEY local/esdata
### Build & Test docker container
$ cat Dockerfile
FROM vault
ENV VAULT_TOKEN=hvs.mSX4zcy6M7suKKnnSguIg5j6
ADD ./get.sh /
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
$ cat get.sh
case $1 in
vault kv get -field=AWS_KEY local/esdata
vault kv get -field=AWS_PASS local/esdata
vault kv get -field=ENCR_KEY local/esdata
vault kv get -field=SAT_ID local/esdata
vault kv get -field=AWS_KEY local/esdata
echo ""
vault kv get -field=AWS_PASS local/esdata
echo ""
vault kv get -field=ENCR_KEY local/esdata
echo ""
vault kv get -field=SAT_ID local/esdata
echo ""
$ docker build -t vault-get .
$ docker run --rm vault-get -c "/get.sh AWS_KEY"
$ docker run --rm vault-get -c "/get.sh AWS_PASS"
$ docker run --rm vault-get -c "/get.sh ENCR_KEY"
$ docker run --rm vault-get -c "/get.sh SAT_ID"
$ docker run --rm vault-get -c "/get.sh ALL"
Create Gitlab project and push vault-demo-gitlab-repo folder to a GitLab repo
Setup Gitlab CI/CD pipeline variables used by .gitlab-ci.yml file.
GitLab repo:
GitLab CI/CD pipilene variables (Keeping VAULT_TOKEN out of Git Repo using GitLab CI/CD variables):
- VAULT_TOKEN=hvs.mSX4zcy6M7suKKnnSguIg5j6
GitLab CI/CD pipilene passed:
GitLab CI/CD pipeline stage -> build docker image:
GitLab CI/CD pipeline stage -> push docker image to GitLab docker registry:
GitLab CI/CD pipeline stage -> get secrets form Vault:
GitLab CI/CD pipeline stage -> passing credential to another stage: