Releases: adeii/Qt6Win7
Banana MuZik Playa 1.2.4/1.2.6 x64 on Win 7
*** Made on Win 7 for Win 7 ***
Based upon Strawberry Music Player 1.2.4 source code!
- Made on Win 7, with VS 2022, with GCC/G++, works with VxKex!
- VxKex on strawberry.exe is mandatory, even patched Qt 6.8.1 works on Win 7.
- VxKex is also mandatory for some gst*.exe.
- Extract archive to C:\ root is also mandatory, because prebuilts links are hardcoded!
- Executable filesize is huge (~700MB).
- No banana was eaten or harmed during compiling of this player!
- Works great, streams radio, catches song lyrics for various music files!
- M$ WC x86 works only with local files - crashes on radio streams. Opens on Win 8.1 too, but no text strings nor sound outputs.
+M$ WC x64 works fine with VxKex! Maybe latest VC++ runtimes are needed>
- Updated x64 exe to 1.2.6.
3rd build
GIMP 3.0 RC1-RC3 x64 on Windows 7
- NO need for VxKex* but it could be useful.
p.s. No connections with Qt at all. Not compiled, just modded. (librsvg-2-2, libOpenEXRCore-3*, libpython3.12, pythonw)
Win7-compatible DLLs are from
- MPC-Qt 24.12 x86 works fine on Win 7.
- N_m3u8DL-RE (.NET 9.0) x86 works fine on Win 7.
- Media Downloader Qt6 x64 works on Win 7 with VxKex.
- Caesium image compressor 2.8.2 x64 (Qt 6.8.0 GCC) works fine on Win 7 (open in depends.exe and run with F7) (or enable VxKex).
- Krita 5.2.* x64 needs few DLL (included) to works fine on Win 7. No need for VxKex anymore.
2nd build
2nd ports
- ArrowDL 4.0.2 ported to Win 7 x64 from original project
Additional DLLs from @Blaukovitch
Custom Qt 6.x.x DLL for Win 7 patches from original project
Chrome extension
MPC-Qt 24.06 x86 Qt 5.15.1 - with yt-dlp - works on Win 7 with VxKex!
prebuilt dll > mpv-dev-i686-20240512 can not open Youtube
prebuilt dll > mpv-dev-i686-20240630 asks for non-Win7 functions (VxKex) -
N_m3u8DL-RE x86 (.NET 8.0) - works on Win 7!
VLC player with YT support - works on Win 7!
Strawberry Music Player 1.0.23 x64 portable - works on Win 7 with VxKex! Enable it for strawberry_portable.exe!
Strawberry Music Player 1.0.22 x86 - works on Win 7 with VxKex! Warning - unstable, radio streaming crash program.
Clementine Music Player 1.4.1 x64 portable - works on Win 7/8! (Maximize window with traybar icon.)
1st build
Qt 6.5.2 x64 for Windows 7/8. (Designer, Linguist, Qdbusviewer...)
Install Qt Creator from official site or unpack from
Even the latest Qt Creator 14.x works on Win 7, but enable VxKex for installer and unistaller, too.
The latest Moon player works with VxKex. Rebuild works on Win 7, even without VxKex!
MPC-Qt 24.06.311 x64 (Qt 6.5.2, Qt Creator 13.0.2) works on Win 7/8!