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Merge pull request cerr#104 from aditiiyer/testing
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First cut of semi-quantitaive DCE-MRI metrics
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aditiiyer authored Dec 17, 2024
2 parents 7454b25 + 9894e09 commit 532cec2
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Showing 3 changed files with 266 additions and 76 deletions.
Empty file added cerr/mri_metrics/
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191 changes: 191 additions & 0 deletions cerr/mri_metrics/
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@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import resample
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from cerr.contour.rasterseg import getStrMask
from cerr.utils.statistics import round

def loadTimeSeq(planC, structNum):
Function to extract 4D DCE scan array associated with input structure from planC
planC (plan_container.planC): pyCERR's plan container object
structNum (int): Index of structure in planC
scanArr4M (np.ndarray, 4D) : DCE array (nRows x nCols x nROISlc x nTime)
timePtsV (np.array, 1D) : Acquisition times (min)
maskSlc3M (np.ndarray, 3D) : Mask of ROI (nRows x nCols x nROISlc)
maskSlcV (np.array, 1D) : Indices of slices in the ROI (1 x nROISlc)
numTimePts = len(planC.scan)
mask3M = getStrMask(structNum, planC)
maskSlcV = sum(sum(mask3M)) > 0
maskSlc3M = mask3M[:, :, maskSlcV]
numSlc = maskSlcV.sum()

scanSizeV = planC.scan[0].getScanSize()
scanArr4M = np.zeros((scanSizeV[0], scanSizeV[1], numSlc, numTimePts))
timePtsV = np.array([planC.scan[scn].scanInfo[0].triggerTime for scn in range(len(planC.scan))])

for slc in range(len(maskSlcV)):
scanArr4M[:, :, slc, :] = np.array([planC.scan[scn].getScanArray()[:, :, slc] for scn in range(numTimePts)])

return scanArr4M, timePtsV, maskSlc3M, maskSlcV

def getStartofUptake(slice3M, maskM):
Function to plot sample uptake curve for interactive selection of baseline points
slice3M (np.ndarray, 3D) : 3D array containing time sequence of scan slice (nRows x nCols x nTime)
maskM (np.ndarray, 2D) : Mask of ROI slice
basePts (int) : Time point representing start of uptake

# Compute mean ROI intensity at each time point
roiSize = maskM.sum()
mask3M = np.repeat(maskM[:, :, np.newaxis], slice3M.shape[2], axis=2)
slice3M[mask3M] = np.nan
meanSigV = np.nansum(np.nansum(slice3M, axis=0), axis=0) / roiSize
timePtsV = np.arange(0, len(meanSigV))

# Interactive selection of baseline pts
plt.plot(timePtsV, meanSigV, marker='o')
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(timePtsV, meanSigV)):
plt.annotate(str(i), (x, y), xytext=(5, 5), textcoords='offset points')

basePts = input("Enter timepoint representing start of uptake: ")
# Try to convert input to float, handle invalid input
basePts = int(basePts)
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input. Please enter a numeric value.")
return None

return basePts

def normalizeToBaseline(scanArr4M, mask3M, timePtsV, basePts=None, imgSmoothDict=None):
Function to normalize DCE signal to avg. baseline value
scanArr4M (np.ndarray, 4D) : DCE array (nRows x nCols x nROISlc x nTime)
timePtsV (np.array, 1D) : Acquisition times (min)
maskSlc3M (np.ndarray, 3D) : Mask of ROI (nRows x nCols x nROISlc)
basePts (int): [optional, default:None] Time pt. representing start of uptake.
By default, have user input value.
imgSmoothDict (dict) : [optional, default:None] Dictionary specifying whether to
smooth image & associated filter parameters.
Keys: 'smoothFlag', 'kernelSize', 'sigma'
scanArr4M (np.ndarray) : DCE array (nRows x nCols x nROISlc x nTime)
timePtsV (np.array) : Acquisition times (min)
normScan4M(np.ndarray) : Normalized scan array (nRows x nCols x nROISlc x nUptakeTime)
uptakeTimeV : Acquisition times for uptake (min) (1 x nUptakeTime)

smoothFlag = False
if imgSmoothDict is not None:
params = imgSmoothDict.keys()
smoothFlag = imgSmoothDict['smoothFlag']
if 'kernelSize' in params:
fSize = imgSmoothDict['kernelSize']
if 'sigma' in params:
fSigma = imgSmoothDict['sigma']

numSlc = scanArr4M.shape[2]
nTimePts = scanArr4M.shape[3]

normScan4M = np.zeros(scanArr4M.shape)
for slc in range(numSlc):
slcSeq3M = scanArr4M[:, :, slc, :]
# if smoothFlag:
# Smoothing
maskSlc3M = np.repeat(mask3M[:, :, slc, np.newaxis], nTimePts, axis=2)
slcSeq3M[~maskSlc3M] = np.nan
if slc == 0 and basePts is None:
# Get user - input shift to start of uptake curve
midSlc = round(numSlc / 2)
midSliceSeq3M = scanArr4M[:, :, midSlc, :]
midSlcMaskM = mask3M[:, :, midSlc]
basePts = getStartofUptake(midSliceSeq3M, midSlcMaskM)

maskedSlcSeq3M =[:, :, 0:basePts]) #Prevents RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice
baselineM = np.mean(maskedSlcSeq3M, axis=2).filled(np.nan)
baselineM[baselineM == 0] = np.finfo(float).eps
normScan4M[:, :, slc, :] = scanArr4M[:, :, slc, :] / baselineM[:, :, np.newaxis]

timePtsV = timePtsV - timePtsV[basePts]
uptakeTimeV = timePtsV[basePts:]
normScan4M = normScan4M[:, :, :, basePts:]

return normScan4M, uptakeTimeV

def locatePeak(sigM):
Function to locate peak of uptake curve
sigM (np.ndarray, 2D) : Uptake curves (nVox x nUptakeTime)
peakIdxV (np.array) : Indices corresponding to peak of uptake (1 x nVox)

nVox = sigM.shape[0]
sigMax = 0.8 * np.max(sigM, axis=0)

diffNextM = np.concatenate((np.zeros((nVox, 1)), np.diff(sigM, 1, 1)), axis=1)
diffPrevM = np.concatenate((-np.diff(sigM, 1, 1), np.zeros((nVox, 1))), axis=1)
localMaxIdxM = diffNextM >= 0 and diffPrevM >= 0
highSigIdxM = sigM > sigMax

allPeaksM = localMaxIdxM and highSigIdxM
peakIdxV = np.argmax(allPeaksM, axis=1)
return peakIdxV

def smoothResample(sigM, timeV, temporalSmoothDict=None, resampFlag=False):
return 0

def computeFeatures(procSlcSigM, procTimeV):
return 0

def calcSemiQuantFeatures(planC, structNum, basePts=None, temporalSmoothDict=None,
imgSmoothDict=None, resampFlag=False):

# Load DCE series
scanArr4M, timePtsV, mask3M, maskSlcV = loadTimeSeq(planC, structNum)
numTimePts = len(timePtsV)
scanSize = planC.scan[0].getScanSize()

# Normalize to baseline
normScan4M, selTimePtsV = normalizeToBaseline(scanArr4M, mask3M, timePtsV, basePts, imgSmoothDict=None)

# Loop over ROI slices
featureList = []
for slc in range(len(maskSlcV)):
# Reshape to 2D array (nVox x nTimePts)
normSlc3M = normScan4M[:, :, slc, :]
normSlcSigM = normSlc3M.reshape(-1, normSlc3M.shape[2], order='F') # column major

# Pre-process
#procSlcSigM, procTimeV = smoothResample(normSlcSigM, selTimePtsV,
temporalSmoothDict=temporalSmoothDict, resampFlag=resampFlag)
#featureDict = computeFeatures(procSlcSigM, procTimeV)

return featureList

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