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Functions for automatic outline extraction
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aditiiyer committed Apr 12, 2024
1 parent 3bf878f commit fd767dd
Showing 1 changed file with 144 additions and 6 deletions.
150 changes: 144 additions & 6 deletions cerr/utils/
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Pre- and post-processing transformations for AI models

import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.ndimage import label
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.ndimage import label, binary_opening, binary_fill_holes, uniform_filter
from skimage import exposure, filters, morphology, transform
from skimage.morphology import square, octagon

import cerr.plan_container as pc
import cerr.utils.statistics_utils as stat
from cerr.contour import rasterseg as rs
from cerr.dataclasses import scan as cerrScan
import cerr.plan_container as pc

def resizeScanAndMask(scan3M, mask4M, gridS, outputImgSizeV, method, *argv):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,11 +124,141 @@ def resizeScanAndMask(scan3M, mask4M, gridS, outputImgSizeV, method, *argv):

return scanOut3M, maskOut4M, gridOutS

def getPatientOutline(scan3M, outThreshold, slicesV=None,
minMaskSize=None, normFlag=False):
Returns binary mask of patient outline on input scan
:param scan3M: 3D scan array
:param outThreshold: Intensity level representing air
:param slicesV: Range of slices for outline extraction(default:all)
:param minMaskSize: Minimum size of mask on any slice in no. xoels (default: 1500)
:param normFlag: Set to True to normalize scan before thresholding (recommended for MR images)
# Define default values for optional inputs
if slicesV is None:
slicesV = np.arange(scan3M.shape[2])

if minMaskSize is None:
minMaskSize = 1500

# Mask out couch
couchStartIdx, __ = getCouchLocationHough(scan3M)
couchMaskM = np.zeros((scan3M.shape[0], scan3M.shape[1]), dtype=bool)
couchMaskM[couchStartIdx:, :] = True

# Intensity threshold for air
if normFlag:
scan3M = scan3M / (np.max(scan3M) + np.finfo(float).eps)

scanThreshV = scan3M[scan3M>outThreshold]
adjustedThreshold = stat.prctile(scanThreshV,5)
minInt = np.min(scan3M)

# Loop over slices
ptMask3M = np.zeros_like(scan3M, dtype=bool)
discardSize = 200
for slc in slicesV:

# Threshold image
sliceM = scan3M[:, :, slc]
threshM = sliceM > adjustedThreshold

# Mask out couch
binM = np.logical_and(threshM, np.logical_not(couchMaskM))

# Separate pt outline from table
binM = binary_opening(binM, octagon(5,2))

# Fill holes in pt outline
if np.any(binM):
# Retain largest connected component if size exceeds discard threshold
labeledArray, numFeatures = label(binM)
sizes = np.bincount(labeledArray.ravel())
maxLabel = np.argmax(sizes[1:]) + 1

if sizes[maxLabel] >= minMaskSize:
maskM = labeledArray == maxLabel

# Fill holes
rowMaxIdxV = np.argmax(np.flipud(maskM), axis=0)
rowMaxValV = np.max(np.flipud(maskM), axis=0)
rowMaxIdx = binM.shape[0] - np.min(rowMaxIdxV[rowMaxValV], axis=0)
sliceM[rowMaxIdx:, :] = minInt
thresh2M = sliceM > 1.5 * adjustedThreshold
thresh2M = binary_fill_holes(thresh2M)

# Remove small islands
labeled_array, num_features = ndimage.label(thresh2M)
component_sizes = np.bincount(labeled_array.ravel())
too_small = component_sizes < discardSize
too_small_mask = too_small[labeled_array]
thresh2M[too_small_mask] = 0

thresh2M = morphologicalClosing(thresh2M,square(5))
smoothedLabelM = uniform_filter(thresh2M.astype(float), size=5)
maskM = smoothedLabelM > 0.5

ptMask3M[:, :, slc] = maskM

# 3D connected component filter
conn3dPtMask3M, __ = getLargestConnComps(ptMask3M, 1)

return conn3dPtMask3M

def getCouchLocationHough(scan3M, minLengthOpt=None, retryOpt=0):
Return location (row no.) of couch in input scan
if minLengthOpt is None:
minLengthOpt = []

midptS = np.floor(scan3M.shape[0] / 2)

maxM = np.amax(scan3M, axis=2)
histeqM = exposure.equalize_hist(maxM)
edgeM1 = filters.sobel(histeqM)
edgeM2 = morphology.dilation(edgeM1)

if not minLengthOpt:
minLength = np.floor(edgeM2.shape[1] / 8).astype(int) # couch covers 1/8th of image
minLength = int(minLengthOpt)

lines = transform.probabilistic_hough_line(edgeM2, threshold=0, line_length=minLength, line_gap=5)
overlapFraction = np.zeros(len(lines))
midV = np.arange(int(0.5 * midptS), int(0.5 * midptS) + midptS)
yi = np.zeros(len(lines))

for i, (p0, p1) in enumerate(lines):
len_line = np.linalg.norm(np.array(p0) - np.array(p1))
if p0[1] == p1[1] and len_line > minLength:
if p0[0] < p1[0]:
lineV = np.arange(p0[0], p1[0])
lineV = np.arange(p1[0], p0[0])
if p0[1] > midptS and np.intersect1d(lineV, midV).size != 0:
yi[i] = p1[1]
overlapFraction[i] = np.intersect1d(lineV, midV).size

if np.any(overlapFraction):
I = np.argmax(overlapFraction)
yCouch = yi[I].astype(int)
yCouch = min(yi[np.where(yi > 0)]).astype(int)

if retryOpt and yCouch == 0:
yCouch, lines = getCouchLocationHough(scan3M, minLength / 2)

return yCouch, lines

def getLargestConnComps(structNum, numConnComponents, planC=None, saveFlag=None, replaceFlag=None, procSructName=None):
Returns 'N' largest connected components in input binary mask
:param structNum : Index of structure in planC
:param structNum : Index of structure in planC (OR) 3D binary mask
:param structuringElementSizeCm : Desired size of structuring element for closing in cm
:param planC
:param saveFlag : Import filtered mask to planC structure
Expand All @@ -133,8 +267,12 @@ def getLargestConnComps(structNum, numConnComponents, planC=None, saveFlag=None,
:returns maskOut3M, planC

# Get binary mask of structure
mask3M = rs.getStrMask(structNum,planC)
if np.isscalar(structNum):
# Get binary mask of structure
mask3M = rs.getStrMask(structNum,planC)
# Input is binary structure mask
mask3M = structNum

if np.sum(mask3M) > 1:
#Extract connected components
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