It is a very simple and light weight jQuery countdown plugin that supports progressbar and count from days to seconds.
##Files to load You only need to load jQuery and this plugin. For example:
<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>
##Invoke On a dom element, call method countdown() with/without your preferences.
end_time: "2016/06/21 14:27:28 +0600"
#Supported Properties
Following properties are supported:
, end_time
, show_day
, show_hour
, show_minute
, show_second
, update_int
, progress
, onComplete
, wrapper
, update_progress
Specifies a time where the progressbar should have no progress(zero). You can pass any datetime string that is supported by javascript Data() object. However, I recommend the format, YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss +TZD
. Where,
YYYY = Year
MM = Month
DD = Day of month
hh = Hour in 24 hour format
mm = Minutes
ss = Minutes
TZD = Timezone UTC offset
2016/06/21 14:27:28 +0600
The countdown completes at this point and progressbar fills 100%. It support same input is start_time
##show_day Wheather to show day count or not.
##show_hour Wheather to show hour count or not.
##show_minute Wheather to show minute count or not.
##show_second Wheather to show second count or not.
##update_int Interval between each updates of progressbar and timer.
##progress There dom element which should display the progressbar. False if you don't want to display.
##onComplete Function to trigger when countdown is done.
Modify the outer html of each countdown unit. This function receives a single argument, the name of the unit(Day, Hour, Minute, Second).
Note: It must have an element with class counter; where the count will be displayed.
Function to process the progress for the preogress bar. It receives two arguments, Percentage of progress (0-100)
and The dom element containing the progressbar