Lua library for managing multiple cache stores.
- Status
- [Synopsis] (#synopsis)
- Motivation
- Integration with other caching modules
- Features
- Developer guide
This library is under development and is considered production ready.
http {
# define the local shared dictionary to cache requests in memory
lua_shared_dict cachedrequests 100m;
# register (true) Lua global variables or pre-load Lua modules at server start-up
init_by_lua '
ngx.apiGateway = ngx.apiGateway or {}
local cache_cls = require "api-gateway.cache.cache"
ngx.apiGateway.request_cache = cache_cls:new()
-- define a local cache with a max TTL of 10s
local local_cache_max_ttl = 10
local local_cache = require "":new({
dict = "cachedrequests",
ttl = function (value)
return math.min(local_cache_max_ttl,(ngx.var.arg_exptime or local_cache_max_ttl))
-- define a remote Redis cache with max TTL of 5 minutes
local redis_cache_max_ttl = 300
local redis_cache = require "":new({
ttl = function(value)
-- ngx.var.arg_exptime is automatically set when
-- /request-caching subrequest is called as:
-- srcache_store PUT /request-caching <key>&exptime=<srcache_expire>;
return math.min(redis_cache_max_ttl,(ngx.var.arg_exptime or redis_cache_max_ttl))
-- NOTE: order is important as cache stores are checked in the same order
# define a location block for srcache-nginx-module
location /request-caching {
set $subrequest_method $echo_request_method; # GET or PUT
set_escape_uri $escaped_key $arg_key; # Cache KEY
content_by_lua '
local sr_method = ngx.var.subrequest_method
local cache = ngx.apiGateway.request_cache -- instance of cache.lua defined in init_by_lua
local key = ngx.var.escaped_key
local rcache_cls = require "api-gateway.cache.request.rcache"
local rcache = rcache_cls:new()
rcache:handleRequest(sr_method, cache, key)
# a sample location that enables caching
location /foo {
srcache_default_expire 1s;
srcache_request_cache_control on; # honor Cache-control: no-cache and Pragma:no-cache
set $key $request_uri; # cache key is the entire request_uri which includes query string
set_escape_uri $escaped_key $key; #
# hooks to get/put items from/into cache
srcache_fetch GET /request-caching key=$escaped_key;
srcache_store PUT /request-caching key=$escaped_key&exptime=$srcache_expire;
srcache_store_statuses 200 301 302; # This directive controls what responses to store to the cache
# according to their status code.
# proxy_pass/fastcgi_pass/drizzle_pass/echo/etc...
# or even static files on the disk
Simplify the logic to manage a multi-layered cache.
Part of the work for building an API Gateway often involves validating if the incoming request is valid.
The API Gateway uses a simple request-validation framework that makes a subrequest
for each validator, expecting a 200
response code back, else the request is considered invalid.
These validators/subrequests often depend on other REST APIs, each with its own variable latency.
For performance reasons the Gateway caches validation responses as often as possible. To make the cache more effective in a distributed deployment the API Gateway uses a multi-layered caching mechanism:
- L1 Cache - the local memory of the Gateway, usually based on lua_shared_dict
- L2 Cache - a remote caching service, usually based on Redis
The L1 Cache keeps the items in memory for shorter periods than L2 cache. This multi layered caching mechanism has a big impact on the latency and performance of the API Gateway.
This module is compatible with other popular caching modules in the Openresty community:
- srcache-nginx-module - Use this module for main request caching.
module provides a hook in the configuration defining asubrequest
to be called toGET
items from/into a cache. In thesubrequest
cache.lua can be used to work with multiple cache stores ( in-memory or remote ) at the same time. See theinit_by_lua
block in the Synopsis for a sample to setup multiple cache stores with a cache. - lua-resty-lrucache - Use this module for a LRU Cache based on LuaJIT FFI at each nginx process level.
- lua_shared_dict - Use this module for a shared cache cross nginx processes, which is not affected by an nginx reload. localCache.lua implementation leverages this directive.
- It allows caching of the validation responses
- It allows caching inside local memory and/or in Redis
- It may be extend to accept other caching layers
- The caching mechanism can be easily accessed by invoking the
and thecache:put(key,value)
Since this module is running inside the api-gateway
, make sure the api-gateway binary is installed under /usr/local/sbin
You should have 2 binaries in there: api-gateway
and nginx
, the latter being only a symbolik link.
git submodule update --init --recursive
make test-docker
This command spins up 2 containers ( Redis and API Gateway ) and executes the tests in test/perl
make test
The tests are based on the test-nginx
This library is added a git submodule under test/resources/test-nginx/
folder, from
Test files are located in test/perl
The other libraries such as Redis
, test-nginx
are located in test/resources/
Other files used when running the test are also located in test/resources
When tests execute with make tests
, a few things are happening:
server is compiled and installed intarget/redis-${redis_version}
. The compilation happens only once, not for every tests run, unlessmake clear
is executed.Redis
server is startedapi-gateway
process is started for each test and then closed. The root folder forapi-gateway
- some test files may output the logs to separate files under
- when tests complete successfully,
server is closed
First make sure you have Test::Nginx
installed. You can get it from CPAN with something like that:
sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Test::Nginx'
sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Test::LongString'
( ref:,185570,185679 )
Then make sure an nginx
executable is found in path by symlinking the api-gateway
ln -s /usr/local/sbin/api-gateway /usr/local/sbin/nginx
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin/
For openresty you can execute:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/
For the moment, follow the MacOS instructions.
To execute the test issue the following command:
make test
The build script builds and starts a Redis
server, shutting it down at the end of the tests.
The Redis
server is compiled only the first time, and reused afterwards during the tests execution.
The default configuration for Redis
is found under: test/resources/redis/redis-test.conf
If you want to run a single test, the following command helps:
PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH TEST_NGINX_SERVROOT=`pwd`/target/servroot TEST_NGINX_PORT=1989 prove -I ./test/resources/test-nginx/lib -I ./test/resources/test-nginx/inc -r ./test/perl/api-gateway/cache/cache.t
This command only executes the test cache.t
When executing the tests the test-nginx
library stores the nginx configuration under target/servroot/
It's often useful to consult the logs when a test fails.
If you run a test but can't seem to find the logs you can edit the configuration for that test specifying an error_log
error_log ../test-logs/validatorHandler_test6_error.log debug;
For Redis logs, you can consult target/redis-test.log