All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is inspired by Keep a Changelog 1.0.0.
The versions follow the rules of Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.
- OUTPUT can be relative path for bin/makefile-utils (943b6ef)
Have 1 breaking changes. Check below logs with
- add "make init" && add bin/makefile-utils (d953926)
⚠️ md-check-links: remove LYCHEE_OPTS && support GITHUB_TOKEN (712ad61)You should use lychee.toml and .lycheeignore files.
Breaking Change:
- LYCHEE_OPTS not supported
- md-check-links: use --exclude-path not --exclude && add --exclude-all-private option (e45a03b)
- add target "md-check-links" (d3d9221)
- changelog: change the changelog template (1f73805)
- bump version v0.3.0 && update CHANGELOG (4103430)
- update the usage (b449a0a)
- add contributing (ab3b2da)
- update README (bef9531)
- add target "make CHANGELOG NEXT_VERSION=0.0.0" (11d6acb)
- help: support @hide to hide the target (11c187a)
- help: ignore variable assignment like "var:=value" (2d4836c)
- help: ignore special builtin targets (946da3c)
- help: target matching regex should contain "/" and "." && ignore .PHONY target (bc2c9fc)
- semver: fetch git tag should filter with "v*.." && add target: GIT_VERSION (7ce8d50)
- remove target scope variables
- do not use target scope variables in ifeq