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Makefile Utils

The makefile-utils is helpful for developing with make command. It provides a series of Makefile Targets for enhancing your Makefile.

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Read tags for versions. The versions follow the rules of Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.


You can install it by curl or git.


curl -LO "$VERSION/makefile-utils.tgz{,.md5}"

# Check files integrity
md5sum -c ./*.md5

tar -xzf ./makefile-utils.tgz


git clone --depth 1 --branch "$VERSION"


cd makefile-utils
make init OUTPUT=your_project


cd makefile-utils
sudo ln -s $PWD/bin/makefile-utils /usr/local/bin/
makefile-utils init your_project

It will do:

  1. Create 'makefile-utils' directory in your project.
  2. Add include ./makefile-utils/*.mk to your Makefile. You can delete these files that you won't use.
  3. Add .DEFAULT_GOAL := help to your Makefile if .DEFAULT_GOAL not defined in Makefile.
  • Then run make equals to make help.
  • You can skip it via make init OUTPUT=your_project DEFAULT_TARGET= or makefile-utils init your_project ''.
  1. Add /makefile-utils/* and !/makefile-utils/*.mk to your .gitignore if this file existed.
  2. Add [{Makefile,*.mk}] indent_style = tab to your .editorconfig if this file existed.

Now cd to your project and run make help to show usage.

make help

By default, it only shows target name. Add @desc {description} at the previous line of target for printing description.

It does not print target defined with makefile functions like $(target):. But you can add @target {name} {description} in Makefile.

make semver-*

make semver-major only print next major version. And also the make semver-minor and make semver-patch.

You can call the target in other targets. For example, to replace VERSION=v... in README file.

# @target bump-major  bump major version (x)
# @target bump-minor  bump minor version (y)
# @target bump-patch  bump patch version (z)
BUMP_TARGETS := $(addprefix bump-,major minor patch)
	@$(MAKE) $(subst bump-,semver-,$@) > VERSION
	@sed -i.bak -E "s/^VERSION=.+/VERSION=v$$(cat VERSION)/"


To generate a CHANGELOG file and update it.

Do not run make CHANGELOG directly. Add below codes in your Makefile.

.PHONY: changelog

To update the CHANGELOG, just echo "0.1.0" > VERSION and run make changelog.

You can preview the example of generated CHANGELOG. Read the Makefile of makefile-utils for reference.

You can change the output of CHANGELOG file.

.PHONY: changelog

make md5

To generate .md5 file for each files in the specified directory.

Defaults to the files in ./dist. But you can change it by make md5 DIST=./dist.

make md5-check

Checks the md5 of the file in the specified directory.

Defaults to the files in ./dist. But you can change it by make md5 DIST=./dist.

make md-check-links

Check dead links in markdown files with lychee.

Copy the lychee.toml to your project.

You can exclude urls by .lycheeignore. example.

To avoid getting rate-limited while checking GitHub links. You can set GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx make md-check-links. The github token can be generated in your GitHub account settings page. A personal token with no extra permissions is enough to be able to check public repos links.

More makefile target...

More handy makefile targets will be added later.

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Copyright 2023 ADoyle ([email protected]). Some Rights Reserved. The project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.

See the LICENSE file for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.

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