Easy to make a telescope extension. It supports async function.
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'
Plug 'adoyle-h/telescope-extension-maker.nvim'
use { 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' }
use { 'adoyle-h/telescope-extension-maker.nvim' }
call dein#add('nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim')
call dein#add('adoyle-h/telescope-extension-maker.nvim')
More examples see ad-telescope-extensions and here.
local maker = require('telescope-extension-maker')
maker.register {
name = 'rtp',
command = 'set rtp', -- vimscript
:Telescope rtp
maker.register {
name = 'message',
command = 'messages',
picker = {
sorting_strategy = 'ascending',
default_selection_index = -1,
maker.register {
name= 'colors',
command = function()
local items = {}
for key, value in pairs(vim.api.nvim_get_color_map()) do
table.insert(items, {
text = string.format('%s = %s', key, value),
entry = { ordinal = key .. '=' .. value },
return items
maker.register {
name = 'scriptnames',
picker = { previewer = 'cat' },
command = function()
local output = vim.api.nvim_exec('scriptnames', true)
return vim.tbl_map(function(text)
local _, _, path = string.find(text, '^%s*%d+: (.+)')
return { text = text, entry = { path = path } }
end, vim.split(output, '\n'))
maker.register {
name = 'env',
highlights = {
tel_ext_envs_1 = { fg = '#C3B11A' },
tel_ext_envs_2 = { fg = '#34373B' },
-- See :h telescope.pickers.entry_display
format = {
separator = ' ',
items = { {}, {}, {} },
command = function()
local items = {}
for key, value in pairs(vim.fn.environ()) do
table.insert(items, {
-- When format set, text must be a table.
-- See :h telescope.pickers.entry_display
text = { { key, 'tel_ext_envs_1' }, { '=', 'tel_ext_envs_2' }, value },
entry = {
ordinal = key .. '=' .. value,
return items
It looks like:
maker.register {
name = 'changes',
command = function()
local items = {}
for change in vim.api.nvim_exec('changes', true):gmatch('[^\r\n]+') do
items[#items + 1] = change
return items
onSubmit = function(item)
if vim.tbl_islist(item) then
error('Not support multiple selections')
local _, _, str = string.find(item.text, '^%s+%d+%s+(%d+)')
vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { tonumber(str), 0 })
maker.register {
name = 'lsp_document_symbols_filter',
command = function()
return {
'File', 'Module', 'Namespace', 'Package', 'Class', 'Method', 'Property', 'Field',
'Constructor', 'Enum', 'Interface', 'Function', 'Variable', 'Constant', 'String',
'Number', 'Boolean', 'Array', 'Object', 'Key', 'Null', 'EnumMember', 'Struct', 'Event',
'Operator', 'TypeParameter',
onSubmit = function(items)
local symbols
if vim.tbl_islist(items) then
symbols = vim.tbl_map(function(item)
return item.text
end, items)
symbols = { items.text }
require('telescope.builtin').lsp_document_symbols { symbols = symbols }
It supports async function. The function accept a callback as parameter, whose signature is function(err, results)
You can invoke callback(nil, results)
to pass results.
maker.register {
name = 'hello',
command = function(callback)
local items = { 'a', 'b', 'c' }
callback(nil, items)
end, 3000)
maker.register {
name = 'hello2',
command = function(callback)
local items = { 'a', 'b', 'c' }
callback(nil, items)
You can invoke callback(err)
to pass an error for exception.
maker.register {
name = 'hello3',
command = function(callback)
To create keymap <C-9>
for current picker.
maker.register {
name = 'message',
command = 'messages',
remap = function(map, ctx, prompt_bufnr)
map({ 'i', 'n' }, '<C-9>', function()
local item = ctx:getSelectedItem()
print('Current selected: ' .. item.text)
-- Create a telescope extension, and auto register to telescope.
-- No need to create _extension file and call telescope.load_extension()
-- @param ext {MakerExtension}
function register(ext)
-- Create a telescope extension.
-- @param ext {MakerExtension}
function create(ext)
Examples, create a file lua/telescope/_extensions/message
and its content is:
return require('telescope-extension-maker').create {
name = 'message',
command = 'messages',
picker = {
sorting_strategy = 'ascending',
default_selection_index = -1,
-- @class MakerExtension {table}
-- @prop name {string}
-- @prop command {string|function:{string[]|Item[]|nil}}
-- If it's string, it must be vimscript codes. See :h nvim_exec
-- If it's function, it must return string[] or Item[] or nil.
-- It supports async function. The function accept a callback as parameter, whose signature is `function(err, results)`.
-- You can invoke `callback(err)` to pass an error for exception. Or invoke `callback(nil, results)` to pass results.
-- @prop [setup] {function} function(ext_config, config) See telescope.register_extension({setup})
-- @prop [onSubmit] {function} function(Item):nil . Callback when user press <CR>
-- @prop [remap] {function} function(map, ctx, prompt_bufnr):nil Set keymaps for the picker
-- For example, map({'i', 'n'}, '<C-d>', function() ... end)
-- @prop [format] {table}
-- {separator: string, items: table[]}
-- See :h telescope.pickers.entry_display
-- @prop [highlights] {table} {<hl_name> = {hl_opts...}}
-- Set highlights used for displayer . See :h nvim_set_hl
-- @prop [picker] {PickerOptions}
-- @prop [refreshKey='<C-r>'] {string|false} Keymap to refresh results. Set false to cancel the keymap.
-- @prop [commandReturnEntryNotItem=false] {boolean} When true, the returned value of command function is {EntryOpts[]}
-- @class Item {table}
-- @prop text {string|table}
-- @prop [entry] {EntryOpts}
-- @prop [<any-key> = <any-value>] -- You can set any key/value pairs into item
-- @class PickerOptions {table}
-- The telescope picker options.
-- See https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim/blob/master/developers.md#picker
-- Or see the source code [Picker:new at telescope.nvim/lua/telescope/pickers.lua](https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim/blob/7a4ffef931769c3fe7544214ed7ffde5852653f6/lua/telescope/pickers.lua#L45).
-- But these fields is not supported: `finder`, `attach_mappings`.
-- Because they are defined in telescope-extension-maker.
-- @prop [prompt_title=MakerExtension.name] {string}
-- @prop [results_title] {string}
-- @prop [preview_title='Preview'] {string}
-- @prop [finder] {function} like finders.new_table
-- @prop [sorter='generic'] {Sorter|string}
-- string value: 'empty' 'file' 'generic' 'index_bias' 'fzy' 'highlight' 'levenshtein' 'substr' 'prefilter'
-- See lua/telescope-extension-maker/sorters.lua
-- @prop [previewer=false] {previewer|string|false}
-- @prop [layout_strategy] {table}
-- @prop [layout_config] {table}
-- @prop [scroll_strategy] {string}
-- @prop [sorting_strategy='descending'] {string} 'descending' 'ascending'
-- @prop [selection_strategy] {string} Values: follow, reset, row
-- @prop [cwd] {string}
-- @prop [default_text] {string}
-- @prop [default_selection_index] {number}
-- Change the index of the initial selection row. Support negative number.
-- @prop [wrap_results=true] {boolean}
-- @class EntryOpts
-- :h telescope.make_entry
-- Options:
-- - value any: value key can be anything but still required
-- - valid bool: is an optional key because it defaults to true but if the key is
-- set to false it will not be displayed by the picker. (optional)
-- - ordinal string: is the text that is used for filtering (required)
-- - display string|function: is either a string of the text that is being
-- displayed or a function receiving the entry at a later stage, when the entry
-- is actually being displayed. A function can be useful here if complex
-- calculation have to be done. `make_entry` can also return a second value a
-- highlight array which will then apply to the line. Highlight entry in this
-- array has the following signature `{ { start_col, end_col }, hl_group }`
-- (required).
-- - filename string: will be interpreted by the default `<cr>` action as open
-- this file (optional)
-- - bufnr number: will be interpreted by the default `<cr>` action as open this
-- buffer (optional)
-- - lnum number: lnum value which will be interpreted by the default `<cr>`
-- action as a jump to this line (optional)
-- - col number: col value which will be interpreted by the default `<cr>` action
-- as a jump to this column (optional)
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Copyright 2022-2024 ADoyle ([email protected]). Some Rights Reserved. The project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.
See the LICENSE file for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
Other lua projects created by me.